Peer Reviewed Publications
A listing of peer reviewed publications by the ARK team.

(2017) (Re)examining the relationship between children’s subjective wellbeing and their perceptions of participation rights, Child Indicators Research, 10 591-608.
(2016) Stakeholders Perspectives on the Success Drivers in Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme – Identifying Policy Translation Issues, International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 5 1-11.
(2016) Integrated Commissioning and Structural Integration: the experience of Northern Ireland, Journal of Integrated Care, 24 (2), 67-75
(2016) Implementation Challenges of the National Health Insurance Scheme in Selected Districts in Ghana: Evidence from the Field, International Journal of Public Administration, 40 (5), 416-426.
(2016) Commercial sex, clients, and Christian morals: Paying for sex in Ireland, Sexualities, 19 (7), 869-887.
(2015) ‘Emergent reconstruction’ in grounded theory: learning from team-based interview research, Qualitative Research, 15 (1), 39-56.
(2015) Unmasking the ‘Elderly Mystique’: why it is time to make the personal political in ageing research, Journal of Aging Studies, 35 123-134.
(2015) Traditions and transitions: teenagers’ perceptions of parading in Belfast, Children's Geographies, 13 (4), 398-412.
(2015) The inclusion of open-ended questions on quantitative surveys of children: Dealing with unanticipated responses relating to child abuse and neglect, Child Abuse & Neglect, 48 200-207.
(2015) Look and Tell: Using Photo-Elicitation Methods with Teenagers, Children's Geographies, 13 (6), 629-642.