Peer Reviewed Publications
A listing of peer reviewed publications by the ARK team.

(2025) Election results can decrease intergroup threat and through that positively affect intergroup relations Political Psychology 46 (1), 7-23
(2025) Collecting Research Evidence to Inform Programming to Tackle Violence Against Young Women and Girls: The Importance of Diverse Data for Policy Making Youth 5 (1),
(2024) A review of existing methods used to assess demand for integrated education in Northern Ireland, Review of Education Review of Education 12 (1), e3463
(2023) ‘Sometimers, Alzheimer’s? I love that! That’s definitely me’: Readers’ responses to fictional dementia narratives The Gerontologist 63 (10), 1610–1618
(2023) Young People’s Understanding of Coercive Control in Northern Ireland, Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma 16 537–545
(2023) Men’s Health in Northern Ireland: Why do we need a men’s health policy? Sociology of Health and Illness 1-21
(2023) A Mental Health Pandemic? Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Young People’s Mental Health International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (20),
(2022) “Oldies come bottom of Grim Reaper hierarchy” : A framing analysis of UK newspaper coverage of old age and risk of dying during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic Journal of Social Policy Cambridge Core 1-12
(2022) The influence of socio-demographics and school factors on GCSE attainment: Results from the first record linkage data in Northern Ireland, Oxford Review of Education
(2022) Public Understanding of Coercive Control in Northern Ireland, Journal of Family Violence, Springer