Peer Reviewed Publications

A listing of peer reviewed publications by the ARK team.

Peer Reviewed articles


Mc Parland, Patricia, Devine, Paula, Innes, Anthea and Gayle, Vernon (2012) Dementia knowledge and attitudes of the general public in Northern Ireland: an analysis of National Survey Data, International Psychogeriatrics, 24 (10), 1600-1613.
Gray, Ann Marie and Birrell, Derek (2012) Coalition Government in Northern Ireland: Social Policy and the Lowest Common Denominator Thesis, Social Policy and Society, 11 (1), 15-25.
Horgan, Goretti (2011) The making of an Outsider: Growing up in poverty in Northern Ireland, Youth and Society 43 (2), 453-467.
Lloyd, Katrina (2011) Kids’ Life and Times: using an Internet survey to measure children’s health-related quality of life, Quality of Life Research 20 (1), 37-44.
Lloyd, Katrina and Robinson, Gillian (2011) Intimate Mixing - Bridging the Gap? Catholic-Protestant Relationships in Northern Ireland, Ethnic and Racial Studies 34 (12), 2134-2152.
Gray, Ann Marie and Neill, Gail (2011) Creating a Shared Society in Northern Ireland: Why We Need to Focus on Gender Equality, Youth and Society, 40 (2), 468-487.
Birrell, Derek and Gray, Ann Marie (2011) Coalition Government in Northern Ireland: Social Policy and the Lowest Common Denominator Thesis, Social Policy & Society, 11 (1), 15-25.
Schubotz, Dirk, Melaugh, Martin and McLoughlin, Peter (2011) Archiving Qualitative Data in the Context of a Society Coming out of Conflict: Some Lessons from Northern Ireland, FORUM: Qualitive Sozialforschung/FORUM: Qualitative Social Research 11 (3),
Schubotz, Dirk and O'Hara, Malachy (2011) A Shared Future? Exclusion, Stigmatization, and Mental Health of Same-Sex-Attracted Young People in Northern Ireland, Youth and Society 43 (2), 488-508.
Fargas Malet, Montserrat, McSherry, Dominic, Larkin, Emma, Kelly, Greg, Robinson, Clive and Schubotz, Dirk (2010) Young children returning home from care: The birth parents' perspective, Child and Family Social Work, 15 (1), 77-86.