Peer Reviewed Publications
A listing of peer reviewed publications by the ARK team.

(2012) The structures of the NHS in Northern Ireland: Divergence, policy copying and policy deficiency, Public Policy and Administration, 1 1-16.
(2012) The Self-Conscious Researcher - Post-modern Perspectives of Participatory Research with Young People, FORUM: Qualitive Sozialforschung/FORUM: Qualitative Social Research 13 (1),
(2012) Psychometric properties of the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS) in Northern Ireland: A supplement to Tennant et al. (2007), Journal of Mental Health, 21 (3), 257-263.
(2012) Protecting the most vulnerable in an economic crisis: a participatory study of civil society organisations in the Republic of Ireland, Voluntary Sector Review, 3 (3), 329-346.
(2012) Participatory Action Research with and within community activist groups: capturing the collective experience of Ireland's Community and Voluntary Pillar, Action Research 10 (3), 313-330.
(2012) Internet use and psychological wellbeing among 10 and 11 year old children, Child Care in Practice, 18 (1), 5-22.
(2012) Internet Use and Psychological Well-being among 10-year-old and 11-year-old Children, Child Care in Practice, 18 (1), 5-22.
(2012) Intergenerational Solidarity and Justice in Ireland: towards a new national dialogue, Journal of Intergenerational Relations, 10 (3), 317-321.
(2012) Health-related quality of life and children’s happiness with their childcare, Child: Care, Health and Development, 38 (2), 244-250.
(2012) Devolution in NI: a lost opportunity?, Critical Social Policy,