Peer Reviewed Publications
A listing of peer reviewed publications by the ARK team.

(2017) Towards a Gender Politics of Aging, Journal of Women and Aging, 1-17.
(2017) Shared future – shared values? Taking stock of the peace process in Northern Ireland: teenagers’ perspectives, Cultural Trends, 26 (3), 216-232.
(2017) Review of Neoliberalising Old Age, Ageing and Society, 3 (4), 874-875.
(2017) Reciprocal Reading: A training programme for teachers aimed at improving reading skills of pupils, ISRCTN Trial Registry
(2017) Protocol: A feasibility study and a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial of the PAX ‘Good Behaviour Game’ in disadvantaged schools, International Journal of Educational Research, 86 78-86.
(2017) Measuring children’s enjoyment of their participation rights in school and community: a rights-based approach, Children & Society, 31 (2), 120-133.
(2017) Lost in translation? The challenges of measuring informal care among children and young people, International Journal of Care and Caring, 3 (1), 388-406.
(2017) Living a fairy tale: the educational experiences of transgender and gender non-conforming youth in Northern Ireland, Child Care in Practice, 23 (3), 292-304.
(2017) Devolution: The Social, Political and Policy Implications of Brexit for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, Journal of Social Policy, 46 (4), 765-782.
(2017) Autism awareness in children and young people: surveys of two populations, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 64 (8), 766–777.