Peer Reviewed Publications
A listing of peer reviewed publications by the ARK team.

(2020) Flagging Difference: National Identity and Emotional responses to National Flags, Journal of Applied Social Psychology 50 (5), 265-275.
(2020) Exploring young people’s understanding of culture: a study from Northern Ireland Cultural Trends 1 (29), 4-18.
(2019) Social isolation and older men - learning from research, Community Development Journal 54 (2), 273-289
(2019) From principles to practice: social security in the Scottish laboratory of democracy, Journal of Social Security Law 1 (26), 13-31.
(2019) Factors associated with public knowledge of and attitudes to dementia: a cross-sectional study, Plos One 14 (2),
(2019) A Society Coming out of Conflict: Reflecting on 20 Years of Recording Public Attitudes with the Northern Ireland Life and Times, Survey Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences Brill
(2018) Protocol: A cluster randomised controlled trial Of Reciprocal Reading: A teacher training comprehension programme, Journal of Educational Research.
(2018) Outcomes-based Approaches and the devolved administrations, Social Policy Review 30 67-86.
(2018) MobiQ: A modular Android application for collecting social interaction, repeated survey, GPS and photographic data, SoftwareX, 7 143-149.
(2018) Children’s attitudes to older people and their expectations of life at age 70, Children and Society. 32 444–456.