Peer Reviewed Publications
A listing of peer reviewed publications by the ARK team.

(2022) Health and wellbeing needs of older men held in Northern Ireland Prisons, International Journal of Men’s Social and Community Health (5), e66-e82
(2021) ‘To write my autobiography and get myself in focus genetically’: G. Stanley Hall’s Senescence, Age, Culture, Humanities: an interdisciplinary journal 5
(2021) Life Under Coronavirus: Children’s Views on their Experiences of their Human Rights, International Journal of Children's Rights 29 (2), 261-285.
(2021) Is there Anything Else You’d Like to Say About Community Relations?’ Thematic Time Series Analysis of Open-ended Questions From an Annual Survey of 16- Year Olds, Methods, Data, Analyses 15 (1), 77-102.
(2021) Hidden Barriers and Divisive Architecture: The ‘Role of Everyday Space’ in Conflict and Peacebuilding in Belfast Journal of Urban Affairs
(2021) Equality and Devolution in the United Kingdom: A Story in Three Acts and a Sequel, Social Policy and Society 1-15.
(2021) Co-production Approaches in Social Research with Children and Young People as Service Users - Challenges and Strategies, Social Work and Society 18 (3), [2340].
(2020) Young men’s experiences of violence and crime in a society emerging from conflict, Journal of Youth Studies 23 (5), 650-666.
(2020) Use of prescribed contraception in Northern Ireland 2010-2016, European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care 2 (25), 106-113.
(2020) Learning through Practice: How Can We Address Loneliness among Older People?, Practice: Social Work in Action Taylor and Francis 32 (5), 345-360.