ARK Research Seminar Videos

Below is a listing of all the ARK research seminars that have been recorded for online viewing since 2004. Included are any documentation and press releases associated with each seminar where applicable.

All work that refers to an ARK Research Update should acknowledge it using the appropriate bibliographic citation. For example:

Lloyd, Katrina and Devine, Paula, 2006, To stay or not to stay: that is the question, ARK Research Update 45, Belfast: ARK < >

There are over 100 ARK Research Seminar Videos with associated documents. You can the search facility below with keywords or names to help find the ARK Research Seminars you are interested in.

Total number of items - 144

25th Feb 2021
Tackling Gender Inequalities: the Role of Gender Budgeting
Katrina Godfrey (Permanent Secretary, Department of Infrastructure), Joan Ballantine (Ulster University) and Michelle Rousse (Ulster University)

This event on 25 February 2021 provided an opportunity to hear the results of the Exploring the Potential of Gender Budgeting for Northern Ireland project.  Funded by Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, the project was undertaken by Ulster University in conjunction with the Northern Ireland Women’s Budget Group and the Scottish Women’s Budget Group.

17th Feb 2021
Hearing Hidden Voices: Older victims of domestic abuse
Elizabeth Martin (Queen's University Belfast) and Rebecca Zerk (Dewis Choice)

This event on 17 February 2021 focused on issues faced by older women who are victims of domestic abuse, giving this very hidden population a voice. In particular, the webinar highlighted the barriers these women face in accessing help.

The speakers were Dr Elizabeth Martin (QUB) who discussed findings from her PhD research, and Rebecca Zerk (Research Project Manager, Dewi's Choice). The Chair was Professor John Devaney (University of Edinburgh).

The event was supported by the British Society of Gerontology.

27th Jan 2021
Black Lives Matter? Attitudes to minorities and migrants in Northern Ireland
Lucy Michael and Raquel McKee

This event on 17 January 2021 explored public attitudes to minorities and migrants in Northern Ireland, using data from the Northern Ireland Life and Times survey and Young Life and Times survey.  The presenter was Lucy Michael, followed by a response by Raquel McKee (African and Caribbean Support Organisation Northern Ireland).

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09th Dec 2020
Public attitudes to breastfeeding in Northern Ireland
Marlene Sinclair, Julie McCullough, Rachel Black and Paul Slater

Northern Ireland has the lowest rate of breastfeeding in the United Kingdom.  In this seminar on 9 December 2020, findings from the 2019 Northern Ireland Life and Times survey and the 2019 Young Life and Times survey gave an insight into public attitudes to breastfeeding. The speakers were Marlene Sinclair, Julie McCullough, Rachel Black and Paul Slater.

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30th Nov 2020
'Days Like This' – Reflections on President Clinton’s Visit to NI, 1995

The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) and ARK hosted a webinar to mark the 25th Anniversary of the visit of President Clinton to Northern Ireland.

An expert panel considered the background to the visit and used archival sources, as well as first-hand accounts, to explore and reflect on President Clinton's visit and its legacy.  The panel comprised Professor Paul Arthur (Honorary Professor, UU), Dr Brendan Lynn (UU and CAIN), Ambassador (retired) and Kathleen Stephens (US Consul General Belfast, 1995-98), and was chaired by Peter Osborne (currently Chair of the ARK Advisory Board).

27th Nov 2020
Poverty activism in Northern Ireland
Ann Marie Gray, Bronagh Hinds, Martina McAuley, Ciara Fitzpatrick and Ryan Shaw

This event provided an opportunity to hear from some of those involved in poverty activism from the grassroots to the international level. Northern Ireland has a long experience of poverty activism and community self help while maintaining a focus on the structural dimension of poverty. The event focused on experiences of poverty activism, at what was achieved and how that learning can inform the response to persistent and new challenges.

17th Jun 2020
Attitudes towards Irish unification in Northern Ireland after Brexit
Katy Hayward, Ben Rosher and Milena Komarova

2019 Life and Times Survey Results Launch

This webinar marks the release of the results of the 2019 Northern Ireland Life & Times survey (

There has been a lot of speculation about what Brexit means for the prospects of Irish unification. Although the future looks more uncertain than ever, one thing we can be sure of is that Irish unity will not happen without a referendum in Northern Ireland in which a majority of people vote in favour of such a change. For this reason, public attitudes here are important.The NI Life & Times (NILT) Survey has proven a useful tool for tracking changes (and continuities) over time in the political attitudes and identities of people in Northern Ireland.

In this webinar, Dr Katy Hayward, Dr Milena Komarova and Ben Rosher (Queen’s University Belfast) discuss the results of new questions on the topic of Irish unification, in part to see what could potentially make a difference in changing those attitudes either for or against. These results are considered in light of previous NILT results and the changing context for Northern Ireland’s post-Brexit future.

19th Feb 2020
Northern Ireland and the future of the Union: NILT data on Brexit
Katy Hayward, Milena Komarova and Ben Rosher (Queen's University Belfast)

This presentation by Katy Hayward, Milena Komarova and Ben Rosher (Queen's University Belfast) was made at an event at Queen's University Belfast to celebrate ARK's 20th anniversary.

19th Feb 2020
Is Britain Stronger or Weaker After 20 Years of Devolution?
Professor John Curtice

This presentation by Professor John Curtice (Strathclyde University and NatCen Social Research) was at an event at Queen's University Belfast to celebrate ARK's 20th anniversary.


25th Jun 2019
2018 Kids' Life and Times & Young Life and Times Results Launch
Dr Dirk Schubotz (QUB), Dr Una O'Connor Bones (UU), Dr Katrina Lloyd (QUB)

2018 Kids' Life and Times & Young Life and Times Results Launch

KLT and YLT are annual surveys run by ARK that record the views of P7 children (KLT) and 16- year olds (YLT) living in Northern Ireland about issues that affect them. The topics covered in the 2018 surveys include:

  • Community Relations (YLT)
  • Attitudes to Minority Ethnic Groups (YLT)
  • Safety and Attitudes to Paramilitaries (YLT)
  • Language learning in school (KLT)
  • Attitudes to and experience of research (KLT)
  • Citizenship (YLT and KLT)
  • Community Relations, Equality and Diversity Education (CRED) (YLT and KLT) Shared Education (YLT and KLT)
  • Wellbeing (YLT and KLT)
  • Brexit (YLT and KLT)

The venue for this event was YouthAction NI, 14 College Square North,  Belfast, BT1 6AS

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