ARK Research Seminar Videos
Below is a listing of all the ARK research seminars that have been recorded for online viewing since 2004. Included are any documentation and press releases associated with each seminar where applicable.
All work that refers to an ARK Research Update should acknowledge it using the appropriate bibliographic citation. For example:
Lloyd, Katrina and Devine, Paula, 2006, To stay or not to stay: that is the question, ARK Research Update 45, Belfast: ARK < >
There are over 100 ARK Research Seminar Videos with associated documents. You can the search facility below with keywords or names to help find the ARK Research Seminars you are interested in.
Total number of items - 144
ARK - Launch of 2016 NI Life & Times Survey Public attitudes to abortion
Public attitudes to abortion
This seminar took place in NICVA, 61 Duncairn Gardens, on Friday 16 June at 11am.
ARK Workshop
Exploring Inequalities in caring: grandparents’ experiences of kinship care from multiple perspective
The aim of this workshop is to explore issues related to older kinship carers from different perspectives – research, personal experience, NGO organisation, practitioner, and policy. The event is organised by ARK Ageing Programme, and supported by BSGNI, and Keele University.
This seminar took place in Room G:075, Lanyon Building, Queen’s University Belfast 7 June 2017.
ARK Workshop
Exploring Inequalities in caring: grandparents’ experiences of kinship care from multiple perspective
The aim of this workshop is to explore issues related to older kinship carers from different perspectives – research, personal experience, NGO organisation, practitioner, and policy. The event is organised by ARK Ageing Programme, and supported by BSGNI, and Keele University.
This seminar took place in Room G:075, Lanyon Building, Queen’s University Belfast 7 June 2017.
ARK Workshop
Exploring Inequalities in caring: grandparents’ experiences of kinship care from multiple perspective.
The aim of this workshop is to explore issues related to older kinship carers from different perspectives – research, personal experience, NGO organisation, practitioner, and policy. The event is organised by ARK Ageing Programme, and supported by BSGNI, and Keele University.
ARK - IRISS Seminar: How older male kinship carers describe their care responsibilities and implications for ageing male identities
Drawing on a number of linked qualitative longitudinal studies conducted over a ten-year period in a city in the North of England, this paper investigates the lived experiences of men who are kinship carers.
This seminar is delivered jointly with the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences at Ulster University as part of the Pushing the Boundaries seminar series.
Tues 6th June 2016, Room BA-03-019, Belfast Campus, Ulster University 12:30-14:00
ARK - INCORE Seminar
Votes, People and Parties - whats next for the NI Assembly?
On the eve of the Northern Ireland Assembly Elections, ARK and INCORE invite you to a Public Seminar: Votes, People and Parties - whats next for the Assembly? by Dr Nicholas Whyte. Dr Whyte is a Visiting Professor at Ulster University, and Senior Director, Global Solutions in the Brussels
This seminar took at Ulster University, Magee campus, Derry/Londonderry, on Wednesday 1 March 2017
ARK Seminar Series 2016/17
In this seminar, Dr Máire Braniff, INCORE Director, Ulster University, will draw on data from the 2015 Northern Ireland Life and Times survey. She will illustrate that far from increased synergy between the traditionally dualistic identities, Northern Ireland is characterised by continued social distancing which remains pronounced.
The venue: NICVA, Duncairn Gardens, Belfast on Tuesday 6 December, at 11am
ARK Seminar Series 2016/17
Masterclass: Moving beyond age-segregated research: Why linking studies of children, life course and ageing is important
presented by
Professor Gunhild Hagestad:
Moving beyond age-segregated research (00:00 to 00:58:17)
Professor Madeleine Leonard (Queen’s University Belfast):
Generation in childhood studies (00:58:17 to 01:08:58)
Dr Gemma Carney (Queen’s University Belfast):
Re-constructing how we think about children and older people in the political economy of ageing societies (01:08:58 to 01:14:03)
Dr Danielle Blaylock (Queen’s University Belfast):
What can we learn from previous theory, research and practice on segregation and integration in Northern Ireland? (01:14:03 to 01:24:29)
PS: please be aware that the volume levels in some sections are quite low. Turning the volume up on your computer and/or speakers should help.
ARK Seminar Series 2016/17
In this joint ARK and Administrative Data Research Centre NI seminar, the findings of the 2015 Northern Ireland Life and Times survey on Public Attitudes to Data Sharing in Northern Ireland will be presented by Professor Gillian Robinson and Professor Helen Dolk with a response from Professor Roy McClelland.
ARK Seminar Series 2016/7
The ARK Ageing Programme and U3A Foyle invite you to an ‘Age Encounters’ event, which explores loneliness in older age from different perspectives: Paddy McEldowney,
Community transport coordinator for EASILINK highlights the role of community transport in enabling people to participate in activities.