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    Module: Minority Ethnic Groups
    Year: 2022

    This page lists the questions asked in the Minority Ethnic Groups questions asked in 2022. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of each question will bring you to the table of results for that question.

      REFWELC: Is Northern Ireland a society that welcomes refugees?

      REFPROT: Is it is our duty to provide protection to refugees?

      EMCRICH: Do the culture and traditions of different minority ethnic groups add to the richness and diversity of Northern Ireland society?

      SOCMEG: In a world without Coronavirus, how often do you socialise or play sport with people from a different ethnic background to yourself?

      FEELMEC: How favourable or unfavourable do you feel about people from minority ethnic communities?

      RACEBULL: Have you witnessed racist bullying or harassment in your school?

      UPREJMEG: Are you prejudiced against people from minority ethnic communities?

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