ARK E-Type
Issue No:
9 - Nov/2022
Welcome to the November edition of the ARK newsletter, which highlights the ARK surveys, as well as useful resources for research methods training. We also pay tribute to Dr Eamon Phoenix.
ARK surveys
For more than 20 years, ARK's three attitudes surveys have been asking people of all ages in Northern Ireland about issues affecting their lives: - The Northern Ireland Life & Times Survey asks people aged 18 or over about a range of current topics, including politics, community relations, health, and criminal justice.
- Young Life & Times records the views of 16 year olds about politics, community relations, education, health and much more.
- Kids' Life & Times focuses on the attitudes of children in Primary 7.
On each of the survey websites, you can find tables of results, the datasets, technical details, and publications. In total, 118,000 people have taken part in these surveys, and we are very grateful to them for sharing their views with us.
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National Centre for Research Methods
ARK is an Associated Centre partner of the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM), which undertakes methodological research and training in the social sciences. ARK facilitates many of these courses locally, although most courses are currently held online. A full list of training courses, as well as learning resources, podcasts and videos are available on the NCRM website. These resources are extremely useful for students and researchers. In addition, trainers and educators may find them helpful in their own teaching.
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Eamon Phoenix
The ARK team were saddened to learn of the recent death of the distinguished historian and broadcaster, Dr Eamon Phoenix. In 2021 ARK was delighted when Eamon accepted an invitation to accept the offer to take part in the CAIN Associate Programme. Due to COVID restrictions he was only able to take part in an on-line capacity but as always, he was generous with his time and knowledge. On Wednesday 19th January 2002 Eamon delivered his webinar, 'Partition and the Birth of Northern Ireland Revisited: Reflections on the Marking of a Decade of Centenaries'. A recording of this can be viewed on YouTubeThe ARK team would like to pass on sympathies to Eamon's wife Alice, daughter Mary Alice, son-in-law Stuart and his granddaughter Nicole.
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About ARK
ARK is Northern Ireland's social policy hub. Established in 2000 by researchers at Queen's University Belfast and Ulster University, its primary goal is to increase the accessibility and use of academic data and research. Most of our dissemination is via our website at, which is divided into five main areas:
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