Young Life and Times Survey 2015

Module: Shared Education

Year: 2015

This page lists the questions asked in the Shared Education module in 2015. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of each question brings you to the tables of results for that question.

GOVSHARE: How do you feel about Government plans for schools to share classes, teachers or facilities with other schools?

SCLPRIO: What does the Government need to think about when planning schools (multiple response table)?

SEDUC: Have you ever got together with pupils from other schools for shared education?

DONEWHAT: What are the things you have done?

SETRAV1: When you shared classes, facilities or did projects we went to the other school

SETRAV2: When you shared classes, facilities or did projects the other pupils came to our school

SETRAV3: When you shared classes, facilities or did projects we were not in school

SEDIFREL: Were the pupils from the other schools a different religion to you?

JOYPROJ: How much do you agree or disagree: I enjoyed doing projects with other schools

JOYCLASS: How much do you agree or disagree: I enjoyed having classes with other schools

JOYEQUIP: How much do you agree or disagree: I enjoyed sharing equipment and facilities with other schools

PROJFUT: How much do you agree or disagree: I would enjoy doing projects with other schools

CLASSFUT: How much do you agree or disagree: I would enjoy having classes with other schools

EQUIPFUT: How much do you agree or disagree: I would enjoy sharing equipment and facilities with other schools.

SELIKE1: How much would you like sharing sports facilities and computers or equipment?

SELIKE2: How much would you like getting different teachers?

SELIKE3: How much would you like travelling to a different school?

SELIKE4: How much would you like doing classes we don't normally get to do at our school?

SELIKE5: How much would you like making new friends?

SELIKE6: How much would you like being with young people who are a different religion?

SELIKE7: How much would you like being with young people who are a different ethnic background?

SHBOYS: Would you mind if young people from an all-boys school came to do a project with your class?

SHGIRLS: Would you mind if young people from an all-girls school came to do a project with your class?

SHSNEEDS: Would you mind if young people from a school for young people with special needs or disabilities came to do a project with your class?

SHPRIM: Would you mind if young people from a primary school came to do a project with your class?

SHDIFREL: Would you mind if young people from a school where most of the pupils are of a different religion came to do a project with your class?

SHINTEG: Would you mind if young people from an Integrated school came to do a project with your class?

SHGRAM: Would you mind if young people from a Grammar school came to do a project with your class?

SHNGRAM: Would you mind if young people from a non-Grammar school came to do a project with your class?

SHENT: If your school was part of a shared campus should there be one entrance?

SHSHALL: If your school was part of a shared campus should there be a shared sports hall/dining room?

SHBUS: If your school was part of a shared campus should there be a shared bus to/from school?

SHUNIF: If your school was part of a shared campus should there be one school uniform?

SHCAMP: If you were in a shared campus would you like it or not?

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