Year: 2015
Module: Shared_Education
Variable: DONEWHAT

If Response to SEDUC is Yes:

Please tick all the things you have done? [MULTIRESPONSE TABLE]

We have done projects with pupils from other schools 69
We have used or shared sports facilities or equipment, like computers 38
We have had classes with pupils from other schools 55
Something else 6


Go to results for young men and women, and young people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for young men and women

  Male Female
We have done projects with pupils from other schools 67 71
We have used or shared sports facilities or equipment, like computers 43 34
We have had classes with pupils from other schools 52 57
Something else 8 5



Results for young people of different religions

  Catholic Protestant No religion
We have done projects with pupils from other schools 73 68 64
We have used or shared sports facilities or equipment, like computers 38 34 42
We have had classes with pupils from other schools 52 56 62
Something else 6 6 6



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