Year: 2009
Module: Mental Health and Self-harm

This page lists the questions asked within the mental health and Self-harm module in 2009. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question.

PROFHELP: Have you in the past year had any serious problems for which you felt you needed professional help?

HLP_MH1: How helpful would your FRIENDS be if you had emotional or mental health problems?

HLP_MH2: How helpful would your FATHER be if you had emotional or mental health problems?

HLP_MH3: How helpful would your MOTHER be if you had emotional or mental health problems?

HLP_MH4: How helpful would your BROTHER OR SISTER be if you had emotional or mental health problems?

HLP_MH5: How helpful would A RELIGIOUS LEADER be if you had emotional or mental health problems?

HLP_MH6: How helpful would A LOCAL GP be if you had emotional or mental health problems?

HLP_MH7: How helpful would A SCHOOL NURSE be if you had emotional or mental health problems?

HLP_MH8: How helpful would A COUNCELLOR be if you had emotional or mental health problems?

HLP_MH9: How helpful would THE INTERNET be if you had emotional or mental health problems?

HLP_MH10: How helpful would A YOUTH GROUP be if you had emotional or mental health problems?

HLP_MH11: How helpful would ANOTHER SOURCE be if you had emotional or mental health problems?

PROFSUP: What professional response would be helpful to a young person with mental health problems?

EMOPROB: Which things cause you emotional problems?

STATEH1: Do doctors and nurses understand and respect your right to confidentiality?

STATEH2: Do you often worry about being bullied?

STATEH3: Are there very few services for young people with mental health problems?

STATEH4: Is it easy to trust school nurses and health visitors when you have mental health problems?

STATEH5: Is the voice of young people with mental health problems not heard by health professionals?

STATEH6: Could you get help from services in an emergency if you had mental health problems?

STATEH7: Are young people able to influence the delivery of mental health care needs?

STATEH8: Is there no support for families who have a young person with mental health problems?

STATEH9: Are there suitable activities and facilities for young people with mental health problems?

STATEH10: Do you feel at times that you are no good at all?

STATEH11: Do young people like you have difficulty talking about their own mental health issues?

STATEH12: Are there lots of organisations that can help you if you have mental health problems?

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