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    Module: Wellbeing
    Year: 2023

    This page lists the questions asked in the Wellbeing module in 2023. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of each question brings you to the tables of results for that question.

      MHCWORRY: What makes you feel worried or stressed?.

      MHCTALK: Who would you talk to about any worries you might have?.

      MHCFAM: Spending time with my family/carers makes me feel better when I am worried or stressed.

      MHCFNDS: Spending time with my friends makes me feel better when I am worried or stressed.

      MHCPETS: Spending time with my pets makes me feel better when I am worried or stressed.

      MHCEXER: Doing sport, walking, cycling, dancing make me feel better when I am worried or stressed.

      MHCHOBB: Spending time on my hobby makes me feel better when I am worried or stressed.

      MHCSTOP: What might stop you talking to someone about how you are feeling?

      MHCWELLB: How would you describe your mental health and wellbeing?

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