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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey - 1993

Variable Listing for Module: Countryside_and_Environment

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


CTRYSAME: Is the countryside much the same as 20 years ago?

CTRYBETR: Has the countryside changed for the better or worse?

CTRYCONC: Are you concerned about things that may happen to the countryside?

SETASID1: Should farmers be paid to change to organic farming?

SETASID2: Should farmers be paid to to 'set aside' spare land and not use it?

SETASID3: Should farmers be paid to to 'set aside' spare land for woodland to encourage wildlife?

SETASID4: Should farmers be paid to to 'set aside' spare land for forestry and timber?

SETASID5: Should planning laws be relaxed so that that spare farmland can be used for housing?

SETASID6: Should planning laws be relaxed so that that spare farmland can be used for golf courses and leisure activities?

SETASID7: Should planning laws be relaxed so that that spare farmland can be used for industry?

FACTWSTE: What should happen if waste from a factory leaks into a river?

POLLPAYS: Who should pay the costs of preventing pollution?

SCIEBELF: Do we believe too often in science, and not enough in feelings and faith?

SCIEHARM: Does modern science do more harm than good?

CHANGBAD: Is any change humans cause in nature likely to make things worse?

SCIESOLV: Will modern science solve environmental problems with little change to our way of life?

FUTENVIR: Do we worry too much about the future of the environment and not enough about prices and jobs?

HARMEVIR: Does almost everything we do in modern life harm the environment?

ANIMRGHT: Should animals have the same moral rights that human beings do?

NATRESP: Should human beings respect nature because it was created by God?

HARVIRW: Do people worry too much about human progress harming the environment?

NATALONE: Would nature be at peace and in harmony if human beings would leave it alone?

ENVIRECG: Does the UK need economic growth in order to protect the environment?

MEDTEST2: Is it right to use animals for medical testing if it might save human lives?

NATSTRUG: Is nature really a fierce struggle for survival of the fittest?

GROWHARM: Does economic growth always harm the environment?

PRENVIR: How willing are you to pay much higher prices in order to protect the environment?

TAXENVIR: How willing would you be to pay much higher taxes in order to protect the environment?

CUTENVIR: How willing would you be to accept cuts in your standard of living in order to protect the environment?

ENVIRDIF: Is it too difficult for someone like you to do much about the environment?

ENVIRRGT: Do you do what is right for the environment, even when it costs more money or takes more time?

RADIOACT: Is all radioactivity is made by humans?

ANTIBIOT: Can antibiotics kill bacteria but not viruses?

STARSIGN: Has astrology - the study of star signs - some scientific truth?

ORIGMAN: Did human beings develop from earlier species of animals?

CHEMEAT: Can all man-made chemicals cause cancer if you eat enough of them?

RADIODIE: If someone is exposed to any amount of radioactivity, are they certain to die?

RADIONUC: Will some radioactive waste from nuclear power stations be dangerous for thousands of years?

GRHSEFF: Is the greenhouse effect caused by a hole in the earth's atmosphere?

GRHSEFF1: Do we contribute to the greenhouse effect every time we use coal or oil or gas?

CHEMCANC: Do all pesticides and chemicals used on food crops cause cancer in humans?

SPECDIE: Are human beings the main cause of plant and animal species dying out?

CARSPOLL: Are cars an important cause of air pollution in the UK?

CARSPOL1: Is air pollution caused by cars dangerous for the environment?

CARSPOL2: Is air pollution caused by cars dangerous for you and your family?

CARSPOL3: In the next 10 years, how likely is a large increase in ill-health due to air pollution by cars?

NUCPOW1: Are nuclear power station dangerous for the environment?

NUCPOW2: Are nuclear power station dangerous for you and your family?

INDPOL1: Is air pollution caused by industry dangerous for the environment?

INDPOL2: Is air pollution caused by industry dangerous for you and your family?

PESTCHE1: Are pesticides and chemicals used in farming dangerous for the environment?

PESTCHE2: Are pesticides and chemicals used in farming dangerous for you and your family?

WATRPOL1: Is pollution of Northern Ireland's rivers, lakes and streams dangerous for the environment?

WATRPOL2: Is pollution of Northern Ireland's rivers, lakes and streams dangerous for you and your family?

GRHSEFF2: Is a rise in the world's temperature caused by the 'greenhouse effect' dangerous for the environment?

GRHSEFF3: Is a rise in the world's temperature caused by the 'greenhouse effect' dangerous for you and your family?

PROTENVP: Should government let people decide for themselves how to protect the environment?

PROTENVB: Should government let businesses decide for themselves how to protect the environment?

RECYCLE: How often do you sort glass, tins, plastic or newspapers for recycling?

ORGANVEG: How often do you buy organic fruit vegetables?

NOMEAT: How often do you refuse to eat meat for moral or environmental reasons?

LESSDRIV: How often do you cut back on driving a car for environmental reasons?

MEMBENV: Are you a member of a group whose main aim is to preserve or protect the environment?

RARPLANT: Iss too much money spent trying to protect rare plants and animals?

COSMTEST: Is it acceptable to use animals for testing and improving cosmetics.

MEDITEST: Is it acceptable to use animals for testing medicines if it could save human lives?

FOXHUNT: Should fox hunting be banned by law?

CARTAX1: Should car users pay higher taxes for the sake of the environment?

SCIENENV: Do you trust scientists to make right deicisions about the environment?

BUSENV: Do you trust business and industry to make right deicisions about the environment?

ENVENV: Do you trust environmental groups to make right deicisions about the environment?

GOVTENV: Do you trust the government to make right deicisions about the environment?

PEOPENV: Do you trust ordinary people to make right deicisions about the environment?

CTHREAT1: What do you think is the greatest threat to the countryside?

CTHREAT2: Which is the next greatest threat to the countryside?

PPLENVIR: Should ordinary people do more to protect the environment?

TOWNTRAN: Should the government improve roads or public transport in towns and cities?

CTRYTRAN: Should the government improve roads or public transport in country areas?

PETITENV: In the last five years have you signed a petition about an environmental issue?

MONEYENV: In the last five years have you given money to an environmental group?

DEMOENV: In the last five years have you taken part in a protest or demonstration about an environmental issue?

CTRYJOBS: Should the countryside be protected from development?

INDENVIR: Should industry do more to protect the environment?

CARALLOW: Should people be allowed to use their cars as much as they like?

DAMAGE: Should industry be prevented from causing damage to the countryside, even if it means higher prices?

GOVENVIR: Should the government do more to protect the environment, even if it leads to higher taxes?

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