British Society of Gerontology 43rd Annual Conference: New Understandings of Old Age and the Lifecourse

University of Southampton, 1-3 September 2014

Paula Devine and Lynn Johnston
Paula Devine and Lynn Johnston

Paula Devine and Gemma Carney organised a symposium at the British Society of Gerontology conference in September 2014.  This symposium ‘Ageing and Social Isolation in Divided Societies: social, political and cultural intersections in Britain and Ireland’’ consisted of four papers:

“Understanding resilience in divided societies”, Gemma Carney
“Well served? Services for socially-isolated older men in Belfast, Northern Ireland”, Paula Devine, Janet Carter Anand and Lorna Montgomery
“The abuse of older people: to legislate or not to legislate?”, Janet Carter Anand, Lorna Montgomery and Brian Taylor
“Intersecting ageism: age relationships and the legacy of the conflict in Northern Ireland”, Lynn Johnston


Lynn Johnston is a practitioner with Linking Generations, and Janet Carter Anand is a lecturer in Social Work in Queen’s University.  Sarah Lawrence, a PhD student associated with the ARK Ageing Programme also attended the conference.


Lynn, Sarah, Gemma, Paula and Janet
From left: Lynn, Sarah, Gemma, Paula and Janet