Young Life and Times Survey


Listed below are the questions asked in the Coronavirus module and the year(s) in which they were asked. If you want to see how young people actually answered the questions in a particular year, just click on the year beside each question.

  • COVSHILD: During the recent lockdown did you, or a person you were living with, have to shield because of a health condition? 2020_21
  • COVPHEAL: How do you think your physical health was affected during the Coronavirus lockdown? 2020_21
  • COVPHEA1: In what way, if at all, do you think your physical health was affected by the Coronavirus pandemic? 2022
  • COVMHEAL: How do you think your mental health was affected during the Coronavirus lockdown? 2020_21
  • COVMHEA1: In what way, if at all, do you think your mental and emotional health was affected by the Coronavirus pandemic? 2022
  • COVMTRET: During the lockdown, if needed, have you been able to get medical treatment for any health issue not related to Coronavirus? 2020_21
  • COVSCHL: Did you go into school during lockdown? 2020_21
  • COVSUPSC: During the recent lockdown do you think you got enough support from teachers to help with your school work? 2020_21
  • COVSUPPA: During the recent lockdown did you get enough support from your parents/guardians to help with your school work? 2020_21
  • COVRES: During the recent lockdown did you have all the resources you needed to study? 2020_21
  • COVNETAC: During the recent lockdown were you able to access the Internet when you needed to? 2020_21
  • COVNEGED: Overall, so you feel your education has been negatively affected by Coronavirus? 2020_21 2022
  • COVFRNDS: During the recent lockdown could you talk to/contact friends as much as you wanted? 2020_21
  • COVESTUD: During the recent lockkdown did you have enough inside space for leisure activities/study? 2020_21
  • COVACTIV: During the recent lockdown did you have enough outside space to keep active/spend time? 2020_21
  • COVSAFE: During the recent lockdown did you feel safe at home? 2020_21
  • COVCOMP: How would you compare your experiences of the first and second lockdowns? 2020_21
  • HMHURTU: When at home, have any of the following happened to you? 2020_21
  • HMHURTSE: When at home, have any of the following happened to someone else? 2020_21
  • COVWORME: When you returned to school after the first lockdown were you worried? 2020_21
  • COVWORPA: When you returned to school after the first lockdown were you parents worried? 2020_21
  • COVSCOOL: How often do you have to be in school/college this term? 2020_21
  • COVEXTRA: Since returning to school/college have you been able to take part in your normal extra-curricular activities? 2020_21
  • COVFRND1: Since lockdown ended and restrictions eased have you been able to meet up with friends? 2020_21
  • COVPARK: Since lockdown ended and restrictions eased have you been able to play and spend time in parks? 2020_21
  • COVACT1: Since lockdown ended and restrictions eased have you been able to do group sports/activities? 2020_21
  • COVSTAY: Since lockdown ended and restrictions eased have you been able to stay overnight with your family away from your home? 2020_21
  • COVINFO: Do you think the Government has provided information on Coronavirus in a young-people friendly way? 2020_21
  • COVLIST: Do you think the Government listens to young people when making decisions about Coronavirus? 2020_21
  • COVMONEY: Do you think your family is financially worse off because of Coronavirus? 2020_21
  • COVGOVT: What do you think have been the most difficult things experienced by children and young people during the Covid pandemic that must be addressed by Government? 2020_21
  • COVADVICE: What actions should Government take to make things better for children and young people as we look to move forward from the Covid pandemic period? 2020_21


Maintained by Dirk Schubotz

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