Year: 2019
Module: Cross_Community_Contact
Variable: POSCCPRJ

If response to CCPRJ is Yes, I have or Both I and others in my family have
Do you think that YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE of these schemes or facilities has made you feel more positive towards other communities, less positive or has it made no difference?

More positive49
Less positive2
Being involved made no difference20
It depends on the scheme7
I was already positive towards them21
I don't know1


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women

More positive 41 53
Less positive 4 2
Being involved made no difference 30 14
It depends on the scheme 8 8
I was already positive towards them 16 23
I don't know 1 1



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
More positive 55 48 39
Less positive 2 2 3
Being involved made no difference 18 19 24
It depends on the scheme 7 8 8
I was already positive towards them 17 22 25
I don't know 1 1 1



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