Year: 2017
Module: Education
Variable: CREFAV9

As a result of being involved in any of these activities in your school or youth centre or youth project do you now feel more favourable, more unfavourable or just the same regarding equal treatment of:
People with dependents (e.g. children) and those without?

I feel more favourable now than I did before20
No change - I feel just as favourable now as I did before77
No change, I feel just as UNfavourable now as I did before2
I feel more UNfavourable now than I did before0


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women

I feel more favourable now than i did before 21 20
No change - i feel just as favourable now as i did before 76 78
No change, i feel just as unfavourable now as i did before 3 2
I feel more unfavourable now than i did before 0 0



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
I feel more favourable now than i did before 24 21 11
No change - i feel just as favourable now as i did before 73 76 87
No change, i feel just as unfavourable now as i did before 2 3 2
I feel more unfavourable now than i did before 1 0 0



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