Year: 2014
Module: CRED
Variables: CREDYPa-j


[If response to CREDYP is 'yes']

And do you think that your YOUTH PROJECT OR YOUTH CLUB has done this for the following groups?
[Multiple response table]

People with different political opinions 53
People with different religious beliefs 79
People from different ethnic groups 65
People of different ages (older and younger people/children) 55
People who are single, cohabiting, married or divorced 28
People with different sexual orientations 41
Men and women 54
People with a disability and those without a disability 54
People with dependents (e.g. children) and those without 34
People with caring responsibilities and those without caring responsibilities 31


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women

Male Female
People with different political opinions 57 51
People with different religious beliefs 77 80
People from different ethnic groups 64 67
People of different ages (older and younger people/children) 55 55
People who are single, cohabiting, married or divorced 30 27
People with different sexual orientations 32 45
Men and women 51 55
People with a disability and those without a disability 49 56
People with dependents (e.g. children) and those without 35 34
People with caring responsibilities and those without caring responsibilities 34 29



Results for people of different religions

  Catholic Protestant No religion
People with different political opinions 55 50 54
People with different religious beliefs 82 75 77
People from different ethnic groups 66 61 70
People of different ages (older and younger people/children) 52 58 58
People who are single, cohabiting, married or divorced 26 32 23
People with different sexual orientations 36 41 49
Men and women 49 56 41
People with a disability and those without a disability 48 55 58
People with dependents (e.g. children) and those without 29 39 35
People with caring responsibilities and those without caring responsibilities 25 40 28



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