Year: 2009
Module: Volunteering

This page lists the questions asked within the Volunteering module in 2009. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question.


VOLINFO: How would you like to receive information about volunteering?

EVMILVOL: Have you ever heard of the Millennium Volunteers Programme?

MILVOL: How have you heard about the Millenium Volunteer Programme?

VOLPAST: Have you volunteered in the past 12 months?

VOLSCHL: How often have you volunteered in your school?

VOLSPORT: How often have you volunteered in the field of sport/exercise?

VOLHEALT: How often have you volunteered in the field of health and social welfare?

VOLHERTG: How often have you volunteered in the field of conservation, environment, heritage?

VOLANMAL: How often have you volunteered in the field of animal welfare?

VOLLOCAL: How often have you volunteered in your local community, social or youth groups?

VOLCHRCH: How often have you volunteered in church or religious organisations?

VOLOTH: How often have you volunteered somewhere else?

VOLWHAT: What type of roles do you undertake when volunteering?

WHYVOL: Why did you become involved in volunteering?

OPPVOL: How did you find out about the opportunity to volunteer?

STATVOL1: Are you given the opportunity to do the sort of things you'd like to do?

STATVOL2: Do you get bored or lose interest in your involvement?

STATVOL3: Can you cope with the things you are asked to do?

STATVOL4: Are your efforts appreciated by the organisation or people you volunteer for?

STATVOL5: Do you find it difficult to balance your volunteering with your other commitments?

STATVOL6: Have you received training that helps you in your role as volunteer?

HOURVOL: How many hours have you spent volunteering in the past 4 weeks?

BENVOL: What benefits do you get from volunteering?

VOLEXP: what expenses does the organsiation you volunteer for pay you?

FRNDVOL: Has your network of friends increased since you began volunteering?

CRFRNVOL: Has your contact with people of a different community or religious backgrounds increased since you began volunteering?

YNVOL: Which of the following factors help explain why you do not volunteer?

STOPVOL: Why have stopped volunteering?

ENCOUVOL: What factors would encourage you to volunteer?

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