Year: 2005

Among the figures below, which one, in your opinion, comes closest to the actual percentage of people from a minority ethnic community currently living in Northern Ireland?



Less than 1 in 1004
Between 1 and 5 in 10019
Between 6 and 10 in 10024
Between 11 and 20 in 10018
More than 20 in 10012
Don't know17
Not answered7


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
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Results for men and women


Less than 1 in 100 5 3
Between 1 and 5 in 100 21 18
Between 6 and 10 in 100 27 21
Between 11 and 20 in 100 17 18
More than 20 in 100 10 13
Don't know 14 19
Not answered 6 8



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Less than 1 in 100 2 4 7
Between 1 and 5 in 100 18 18 23
Between 6 and 10 in 100 22 26 23
Between 11 and 20 in 100 20 17 14
More than 20 in 100 14 11 12
Don't know 15 17 19
Not answered 9 7 3


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