Year: 2004
Module: Education

This page lists the questions asked within the Education module in 2004. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question. Publications and further information on Education can be found on the Education Resources page.

EXPSCH1: Were you bored at school?

EXPSCH2: Did some teachers at school really inspire you?

EXPSCH3: Is school all 'listening' and very little 'doing'?

EXPSCH4: Did school teach you the skills and knowledge you will really need later in life?

EXPSCH5: Did school teach you how to think for yourself?

EXPSCH6: Did school open your mind and make you want to learn?

EXPSCH7: Did you enjoy learning at school?

EXPSCH8: Did you feel pressured by the school work you had to do?

EXPSCH9: Were you bullied at school?

SCHSMOK: Have you ever had any lessons, videos or discussions in school about smoking tobacco?

SCHALC: Have you ever had any lessons, videos or discussions in school about drinking alcohol?

SCHDRUG: Have you ever had any lessons, videos or discussions in school about using illegal drugs?

SCHSOLV: Have you ever had any lessons, videos or discussions in school about using solvents to get high?

SCHSEX: Have you ever had any lessons, videos or discussions in school about having sexual intercourse?

The Health module includes questions on respondents' experiences relating to these issues.

The Pressures and Influence Factors module includes questions on respondents' influences relating to these issues.


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