Year: 2004
Module: Community Relations
Variable: MXRLGNGH

Below is a selection of open-ended responses that relate to the question:

'If you had a choice, would you prefer to live in a neighbourhood with people of only your own religion, or in a mixed-religion neighbourhood?''

Although I answered "own religion only" to [questions] 61 + 62 I wish I didn't feel that way. Why do we have to be so different. If everyone would move on from their history we wouldn't be stuck in this stalemate and life would be easier for everyone.

I don't care about religions in Northern Ireland but if someone is ignorant to me about my religion I will bite back.

I don't find it important to know whether people are Protestants or Catholics as it doesn't make a difference to me.

I don't mind any religion as long as they don't mind me. Every one should forget their differences, it would be an easier life.

I myself would prefer to live in a mixed community but other people's views and opinions I think it would be safer to live in a community of my own religion.

I prefer associating with my own religion as it is safer especially around 17th March and 12th July and also there would be less controversy on matters such as unification of Ireland, etc.

I prefer for now to be with my own religion even though I wouldn't mind being with another, because they may not feel the same way I do and cause harm to me or others close to me.

I would like it if there were more wider groups of people in N[orthern] I[reland], especially [in] my community (e.g., Black people, etc.)

I would like them mixed (schools + estates), because I like mixing and knowing about other religions, but would fear for violence between groups.

In the area I live in, people would not like me mixing with Protestants - I could even get beaten up + assaulted.

Personally I don't care what religion people are. But there are people with very selfish and old-fashioned opinions.

Segregation limits peoples understanding. Sectarianism is their excuse for this.

The reason I wouldn't like to live in mixed community is in case trouble would start.

There needs to be more mixed relations in Northern Ireland to bring more peace; e.g.: schools, housing communities, community groups, at the work place.

We need to learn to live together as most people don't have a choice of the religion they are brought up with. We need to listen and talk and accept each other for who we are and our values not the church we attend.



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