Year: 2003
Module:Cross Community Contact

If response to PROTCATH is 'Protestant community' or 'Catholic community' ...
Thinking about your close friends, how many friends do you have from the other main religious community?



None at all33
Two to five28
Six to ten9
More than ten16
Don't know5
Not answered0

Go to results for young men and women and young people of different religions

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Results for young men and women:


None at all 38 30
One 9 8
Two to five 24 31
Six to ten 10 8
More than ten 14 18
Don't know 6 5
Not answered 0 0


Results for young people of different religions:



None at all 37 30 *
One 7 9 *
Two to five 27 30 *
Six to ten 8 8 *
More than ten 15 18 *
Don't know 6 5 *
Not answered 0 0 *
* indicates that the number of people in this category is
too small to allow percentages to be calculated.


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