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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey - 1996

Variable Listing for Module: Economic Activity

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


RECONACT: What were you doing last week?

SECONACT: Economic activity of spouse

WAGENOW: Are your wages on the low side?

PAYGAP: Is the gap between the highest and lowest paid people at your workplace too big?

WAGEXPCT: Do you expect your wages to rise in the coming year?

NUMEMP: Is the number of employees in your workplace likely to rise in the next year?

LEAVEJOB: Do you expect to leave this employer in the next year?

WPUNIONS: Are there unions at your place of work?

WPUNSURE: Are these unions recognised for pay negotiation?

WPUNIONW: Do the unions do their job well?

TUSHOULD: What is the most important thing for unions to do?

INDREL: How is the relationship between management and employees at your workplace?

WORKRUN: Is your workplace well managed?

NWEMPERN: Is work just a means of earning a living?

NWEMPLIV: Why is work just a means of earning a living?

WKWKMAIN: Main reason for working at present?

SAYJOB: Would you have any say in decisions in workplace?

MUCHSAY: How much say would have in decisions in workplace?

MORESAY: Should you have more say in decisions affecting work?

WKPREFJB: If you didn't have to work, would you prefer to have a paid job?

PREFHOUR: Would you prefer to work less hours?

FEWHOUR: How would you like your working hours shortened?

EARNHOUR: Would you like to work fewer hours, even if earned less?

WKWORKHD: What are your feelings about your job?

REMPLPEN: Do you receive a pensions from a past employer?

PRPENGET: Do you get a pension from a personal pension plan?

RPENSION: Is the state pension on the low side?

RPENINYR: Will the state pension buy more in a year's time?

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