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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey - 1996

Variable Listing for Module: Countryside

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


OUTING: Have you visited the countryside or coast in the last year?

OUTINCAR: How long did you spend in the car when you last visited the countryside?

CTRYSAME: Has the countryside changed in the last twenty years?

CTRYBETR: Do you think the countryside has changed for the better or worse?

CTRYCONC: Are you concerned about things that may happen to the countryside?

CTHTNEW1: What do you think is the greatest threat to the countryside?

CTHTNEW2: Which is the next greatest threat to the countryside?

FACTWSTE: What should happened a factory do of its waste leaks into a river?

POLLPAYS: Should the government help factories meet cost of preventing pollution?

CTRYPAY1: Who should have most responsibility for looking after the countryside?

CTRYPAY2: Who should have next most responsibility for looking after the countryside?

RESPRES: How would you describe the place where you live?

MOTORVPT: Should the government give priority to the needs of motorists or public transport users?

DAMAGE: Should industry be prevented from causing damage to the countryside?

CTRYJOBS: Should the countryside be protected from development?

CTRYFARM: Should more countryside be farmed?

CTRYHSNG: Should new houses be built in country areas?

WILDLIFE: Should the needs of farmers be put before wildlife?

CTRYROAD: Should more roads be provided in country areas?

PICNIC: Should there be more picnic areas and camping sites in the countryside?

CLOSEHOM: Should the owner of a stately home have the right to close it to the public?

CLOSEEST: Should a landowner have the right to fence of a remote part of land?

CLOSEPTH: Should a farmer have the right to close a rarely-used public footpath?

ENVIRDIF: Is it too difficult for someone like you to do much about the environment?

ENVIRRGT: Do you do what is right for the environment, even when it costs more money?

CARSPOL1: Is air pollution caused by cars dangerous for the environment?

CARSPOL2: Is air pollution caused by cars dangerous for you and your family?

CARSPOL3: Will pollution caused by cars increase ill-health in next 10 years?

CARSPOLL: Are cars an important cause of air pollution?

PROTENVP: Should the government let people decide how to protect the environment?

PROTENVB: Should the government let businesses decide how to protect the environment?

PROTENVG: Is it up to people or government to protect the environment?

GOVENVIR: Should the government do more to protect the environment?

INDENVIR: Should industry do more to protect the environment?

PLENVIR: Should ordinary people do more to protect the environment?

CARALLOW: Should people be allowed to use their cars as much as they like?

TOWNTRAN: Should roads or public transport be improved in towns and cities?

CTRYTRAN: Should roads or public transport be improved in country areas?

SCIENENV: Do you trust scientists to make right decisions about the environment?

BUSENV: Do you trust business and industry to make right decisions about the environment?

ENVENV: Do you trust environmental groups to make right decisions about the environment?

GOVTENV: Do you trust the government to make right decisions about the environment?

PEOPENV: Do you trust ordinary people to make right decisions about the environment?

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