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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey - 1991

Variable Listing for Module: Health and Lifestyle

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


RHEALTHY: For your age, do you lead a healthy life?

FOODHLTH: Does the sort of food a person eats affect their health?

RFOODHTH: Is your diet healthy?

RFOODFUT: Will you change to a more healthy diet within the next two years?

FREQMEAT: How often do you eat red meat?

FREQPOUL: How often do you eat poultry?

FREQFISH: How often do you eat fish?

FREQEGGS: How often do you eat eggs?

FREQCAKE: How often do you eat biscuits, pastries or cakes?

FREQFRUT: How often do you eat fresh fruit?

SPREADS: Compared with two or three years ago do you use more low fat spreads or margarine?

GRILFOOD: Compared with two or three years ago do you eat more grilled food?

FISHPOUL: Compared with two or three years ago do you eat more fish and poultry instead of red meat?

SKIMMILK: Compared with two or three years ago do you use more semi-skimmed or skimmed milk?

BREAD: Compared with two or three years ago do you eat more wholemeal bread?

BAKEDPOT: Compared with two or three years ago do you eat more boiled or baked potatoes?

HIFIBRE: Compared with two or three years ago do you eat more high fibre foods?

SALTFOOD: Compared with two or three years ago are you cutting down on salty food?

XERCISE: Compared with two or three years ago do you take more exercise?

FAGSNOW: Do you smoke cigarettes at all nowadays?

PIPCGNOW: Do you smoke a pipe or cigars at all nowadays?

SMOKDAY: How many cigarettes a day do you usually smoke?

SMOKMUCH: Are you a light or heavy smoker?

SMOKMORE: Do you smoke more or less compared with two or three years ago?

TRYSTPSM: Are you likely to give up smoking within the next two years or so?

DRINKNOW: How often do you drink alcohol?

DRINKMCH: Are you a light or heavy drinker?

DRINKMOR: Do you drink more or less compared with two or three years ago?

DRINKFUT: Are you likely to be drinking more or less within the next two years or so?

EXERHLTH: Does the amount of exercise a person takes affect their health?

RACTIVE: How physically active are are, compared with people of your age?

EXERCISE: Agree or disagree: as long as you take enough exercise you can eat whatever foods you want.

HEARTDIS: Agree or disagree: if heart disease is in your family, there is little you can do to reduce your chances of getting it.

FOODEXPT: Agree or disagree: the experts contradict each other over what makes a healthy diet.

WEIGHT: Agree or disagree: people worry too much about their weight.

HLTHLUCK: Agree or disagree: good health is just a matter of good luck.

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