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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey - 1990

Variable Listing for Module: Environment

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


LEISURE: Have you taken part in any of these countryside activities?

LEISURE6: When did you last do any of these countryside activities?

CTRYSAM: Is the countryside much the same as 20 years ago?

CTRYBTR: Has the countryside changed for the better or worse?

CTRYCONC: Are you concerned about things that may happen to the countryside?

CTHREAT1: What do you think is the greatest threat to the countryside?

CTHREAT2: Which is the next greatest threat to the countryside?

INSECTCD: How concerned are you about insecticides, fertilisers and chemical sprays?

SEWAGE: How concerned are you about the disposal of sewage?

OZLAYER: How concerned are you about thinning of the ozone layer?

NUCPRISK: How concerned are you about risks from nuclear power stations?

POPGROW: How concerned are you about the growth in the world's population?

GRNHSEEF: How concerned are you about the greenhouse effect?

FOSLFUEL: How concerned are you about using up earth's remaining coal, oil and gas?

WATRQUAL: How concerned are you about the quality of drinking water?

SPECLOSS: How concerned are you about the loss of plant and animal species?

CLUB1: Do you belong to the National Trust?

CLUB2: Do you belong to the Royal Society of rthe Protection of Birds?

CLUB6: Do you belong to Friends of the Earth?

CLUB7: Do you belong to World Wildlife Fund/Worldwide Fund for Nature?

CLUB8: Do you belong to Greenpeace?

CLUB9: Do you belong to Ulster Wildlife Trust?

CLUB3: Do you belong to another wildlife or countryside protection group?

CLUB10: Do you belong to Ramblers Association?

CLUB4: Do you belong to another countryside sport or recreation group?

CLUB11: Do you belong to an urban conservation group?

CLUB12: Do you belong to Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament?

CLUB5: Do you belong to none of the listed groups?

RECYCLDO: Do you return bottles, tins, newspapers and so on for recycling?

RECYCLFT: Do you intend to return bottles, tins, newspapers and so on for recycling in the next year?

UNLEADO: Do you use unleaded fuel?

UNLEADFT: Do you intend to use unleaded fuel in the next year?

ORGANCDO: Do you buy organically-grown fruit and vegetables?

ORGANFT: Do you intend to buy organically-grown fruit and vegetables in the next year?

NOTESTDO: Do you buy toileteries or cosmetics not tested on animals?

NOTESTFT: Do you intend to buy toileteries or cosmetics not tested on animals in the next year?

GRWASHDO: Do you buy environment-friendly washing powders or detergents?

GRWASHFT: Do you intend to buy environment-friendly washing powders or detergents in the next year?

LSMEATDO: Do you choose to eat less meat?

LSMEATFT: Do you intend to choose to eat less meat in the next year?

RECPRDDO: Do you choose products made out of recycled materials?

RECPRDFT: Do you intend to choose products made out of recycled materials in the next year?

SVELECDO: Do you make a conscious effort to save electricity?

SVELECFT: Do you intend to make a conscious effort to save electricity in the next year?

DRIVLSDO: Do you cut back on driving your car?

DRIVLSFT: Do you intend to cut back on driving your car in the next year?

AEROSLDO: Do you buy environment-friendly aerosols?

AEROSLFT: Do you intend to buy environment-friendly aerosols in the next year?

ENVIRPTY: Which party's views on the environment come closest to yours?

ENVIR1: How serious an effect on the environment has noise from aircraft?

ENVIR2: How serious an effect on the environment has lead from petrol?

ENVIR3: How serious an effect on the environment has industrial waste in the rivers and sea?

ENVIR4: How serious an effect on the environment has waste from nuclear electricity stations?

ENVIR5: How serious an effect on the environment has industrial fumes in the air?

ENVIR6: How serious an effect on the environment has noise and dirt from traffic?

ENVIR7: How serious an effect on the environment has acid rain?

POWER: Which possible solution to the UK's electricty needs would you prefer?

NUPOWER: Feelings about nuclear power?

DAMAGE: Should industry be prevented from causing damage to the countryside?

CTRYJOBS: Should the countryside be protected from development?

CTRYFARM: Should more countryside be farmed?

CTRYHSNG: Should new houses be built in country areas?

WILDLIFE: Should the needs of farmers be put before wildlife?

CTRYROAD: Should more roads be provided in country areas?

PICNIC: Should there be more picnic areas and camping sites in the countryside?

GOVENVIR: Should the government do more to protect the environment?

INDENVIR: Should industry do more to protect the environment?

PPLENVIR: Should ordinary people do more to protect the environment?

WRLDTEMP: In 20 years, will life on earth will be seriously damaged by a rise in the world's temperature?

ENVIRDAM: In 20 years, will damage to the environment will be the biggest single problem facing Europe?

RARPLANT: Is too much money spent trying to protect rare plants and animals?

SCNCSOLV: Can science solve environmental problems without any need for people to change their behaviour?

COSMTEST: Is it acceptable to use animals for testing and improving cosmetics?

MEDITEST: Is it acceptablee to use animals for testing medicines if it could save human lives?

FOXHUNT: Should fox hunting be banned by law?

CARTAXHI: For the sake of the envrionment, should car users pay higher taxes?

POLUTAID: Should richer countries give financial help to poorer countries, to help them cut back on their pollution?

IMPRROAD: Should the government improve roads rather than public transport?

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