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  Towards Better Sexual Health in Northern Ireland, 2000-2002

Year: 2000-2
Module: Relationships
Variable: SEXNOW

Finally we would like to ask you about your own viewpoints on sexual relationships and your sexual feelings.
Which of the following lifestyles would you regard as the ideal one for you at this stage of your life?

Index to tables on this page

  1. % of men and women
  2. % of people of different ages.
  3. % of people of different religions.

Overall Results %
Prefer to have no sex activity 13
No regular partner, but casual partners when I feel like it 7
A few regular partners 6
Have many casual partners 5
One regular partner, but not living together 33
Living with a partner (not married) with some sex activity outside the partnership 1
Living with a partner (not married) and no other sex partners 5
Married with no other sex partners 2
None of these, but another lifestyle1
I have no ideal 22
I don't know6

Results for men and women
  Male Female
Prefer to have no sex activity 8 16
No regular partner, but casual partners when I feel like it 11 5
A few regular partners 7 5
Have many casual partners 8 2
One regular partner, but not living together 28 36
Living with a partner (not married) with some sex activity outside the partnership 1 1
Living with a partner (not married) and no other sex partners 4 6
Married with no other sex partners 3 2
None of these, but another lifestyle 1 1
I have no ideal 22 22
I don't know 7 6

Table Index

Results for people of different ages
  14 or 15 16 or 17 18 or 19 20-25
Prefer to have no sex activity 14 14 14 8
No regular partner, but casual partners when I feel like it 8 6 6 10
A few regular partners 11 5 5 3
Have many casual partners 4 6 6 2
One regular partner, but not living together 22 27 37 47
Living with a partner (not married) with some sex activity outside the partnership 1 1 2 0
Living with a partner (not married) and no other sex partners 1 3 6 11
Married with no other sex partners 1 0 2 5
None of these, but another lifestyle 1 1 1 1
I have no ideal 29 31 15 9
I don't know 9 6 7 4

Table Index

Results for people of different religions
  Catholic Protestant No religion
Prefer to have no sex activity 12 15 *
No regular partner, but casual partners when I feel like it 6 9 *
A few regular partners 6 4 *
Have many casual partners 5 4 *
One regular partner, but not living together 33 32 *
Living with a partner (not married) with some sex activity outside the partnership 1 1 *
Living with a partner (not married) and no other sex partners 6 3 *
Married with no other sex partners 1 2 *
None of these, but another lifestyle 1 0 *
I have no ideal 22 23 *
I don't know 6 7 *
* indicates that the number of people in this category is
too small to allow percentages to be calculated.

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