Module: Social Networks

This page lists the questions asked within the Social Networks module, and for which years. Clicking on the year printed after every question will bring you to the results for that year. Publications and further information on Social Networks can be found on the Social Networks Resources page. This module was asked as part of the International Social Survey Programme.

SIBLINGS: How many brothers or sisters do you have? 2001

BROSIS2: Who do you have the most contact with? 2001

SIBVIST2: How often do you see this brother or sister? 2001

SIBCONT: How often do you have any other contact with this brother or sister? 2001

CHILDREN: How many children aged 18 and older do you have? 2001

CHDSEX2: Of your children aged 18 and older, with whom do you have the most contact? 2001

CHDVIST3: And how often do you see or visit this son or daughter? 2001

CHDCONT: And how often do you have any other contact with this son or daughter? 2001

DADVIST3: How often do you see or visit your father? 2001

DADCONT: And how often do you have any other contact with your father? 2001

MUMVIST3: How often do you see or visit your mother? 2001

MUMCONT: And how often do you have any other contact with your mother? 2001

MUMJRNY2: About how long would it take to get to where your mother lives? 2001

UNCCONT: Have you been in contact with uncles or aunts in the last 4 weeks? 2001

COUSCONT: Have you been in contact with cousins in the last 4 weeks? 2001

PINCONT: Have you been in contact with parents-in-law in the last 4 weeks? 2001

BINCONT: Have you been in contact with brothers or sisters-in-law in the last 4 weeks? 2001

NIECONT: Have you been in contact with nieces and nephews in the last 4 weeks? 2001

PALWORK: How many people at your work place are close friends of yours? 2001

PALHOM: How many neighbours are close friends of yours? 2001

PALOTH: How many other close friends do you have? 2001

PALWHO: Who is your best friend? 2001

PALVIST2: How often do you see or visit the friend you feel closest to? 2001

PALCONT: And how often do you have any other contact with this friend? 2001

PARTIC1: Have you participated in a political party in the last 12 months? 2001

PARTIC2: Have you participated in a trade union or professional association in the last 12 months? 2001

PARTIC3: Have you participated in a church or religious organisation in the last 12 months? 2001

PARTIC4: Have you participated in a sports group, hobby or leisure club in the last 12 months? 2001

PARTIC5: Have you participated in a charitable organisation in the last 12 months? 2001

PARTIC6: Have you participated in a neighbourhood association in the last 12 months? 2001

PARTIC7: Have you participated in other associations in the last 12 months? 2001

HELPBED1: Who would you turn to first for help if you had the flu? 2001

HELPBED2: Who would you turn to second for help if you had the flu? 2001

HELPMNY1: Who would you turn to first if you wanted to borrow a large sum of money? 2001

HELPMNY2: Who would you turn to second if you wanted to borrow a large sum of money? 2001

HELPDPR1: Who would you turn to second if you felt down or depressed? 2001

HELPDPR2: Who would you turn to second if you felt down or depressed? 2001

OTHHELP: Have you helped someone with housework or shopping in the last year? 2001

OTHLENT: Have you lent quite a bit of money to another person in the last year? 2001

OTHCHAT: Have you spent time talking with someone who was a bit down or depressed in the last year? 2001

OTHJOB: Have you helped somebody to find a job in the last year? 2001

JOBHOW: How did you find out about work at your present employer? 2001

FRNDQUL1: Is it important that close friends are intelligent and make you think? 2001

FRNDQUL2: Is it important that close friends help you get things done? 2001

FRNDQUL3: Is it important that close friends understands you? 2001

FRNDQUL4: Is it important that close friends are enjoyable company? 2001

HELPELDY: Do adult children have a duty to look after their elderly parents? 2001

HELPSLF1: Should you take care of yourself and your family first before helping other people? 2001

HELPFRND: Should better off people help friends who are less well off? 2001

HELPSLF2: Is it all right to develop friendships with people because they can be of use to you? 2001

GOVRES11: Is it the government's responsibility to provide a childcare for everyone who wants it? 2001

GOVRESP4: Is it the government's responsibility to provide a decent standard of living for the old? 2001

RUHAPPY: How happy are you? 1998 2001 2007 2008 2009 2010 (Asked in the Religious Observance module in 1998 and 2008, the Public Services module in 2007, the Leisure Time and Sport module in 2009, and the Background module in 2010)

RELTDEMD: Do your family, relatives and/or friends make too many demands on you? 2001

TRUSTFEW: Are there only a few people you can trust completely? 2001 2007 (Asked in the Role of Government module in 2007)

TRUSTOTH: Can you be sure that other people want the best for you? 2001

TRUSTNON: Will other people will take advantage of you? 2001

LIVEARE2: How long have you lived in the city, town or local community where you live now? 2001


Maintained by Paula Devine

Disclaimer:© ARK 2003 Last Updated on Wednesday, 01-Jun-2011 12:05