Module: Crime and Fear of Crime

This page lists the questions asked within the Crime and Fear of Crime module, and for which years. Clicking on the year printed after every question will bring you to the results for that year. Publications and further information on Crime and Fear of Crime can be found on the Crime and Criminal Justice Resources page.

VICTIM: Do you worry that you or anyone living with you might be the victim of crime? 1998

VMWORRY: Is this fear of being a victim of crime a big worry? 1998

SAFEDARK: How safe do you feel walking alone in this area after dark? 1998

BURGLARY: How common is burglary in this area? 1998

VANDAL: How common is deliberate damage by vandals in this area? 1998

MUGGING: How common is mugging in this area? 1998

AREACRIM: How much crime is there in your area? 1998

NIARCRIM: How much crime is there in Northern Ireland compared with Great Britain? 1998

BURGLEDO: What would you do if you saw a house being burgled? 1998

BURGLECT: If you witnessed a burglary, would you give evidence in court? 1998

HIJACKDO: What would you do if you saw a car being hijacked? 1998

HIJACKCT: If you witnessed a hijacking, would you give evidence in court? 1998

PCSAT: How satisfied are you with the way the police do their job? 1998

RUCCAR: How effective are the RUC in dealing with car theft? 1998

RUCBURGL: How effective are the RUC in dealing with domestic burglaries? 1998

RUCDRUG: How effective are the RUC in dealing with drug-related crimes? 1998

RUCDOMV: How effective are the RUC in dealing with domestic violence? 1998

DISBAND: Do you think the RUC should be disbanded? 1998

NOISYNGH: How common are noisy neighbours in your area? 1998

GRAFFITI: How common is graffiti in your area? 1998

TEENONST: How common are teenagers hanging around on the streets in your area? 1998

DRUNKS: How common are drunks or tramps on the streets in your area? 1998

RUBBISH: How common is rubbish in your area? 1998

HMGDNBAD: How common are homes and gardens in bad condition in your area? 1998

VANDALS: How common is vandalism in your area? 1998


Maintained by Paula Devine

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