Module: Coercive Control

This page lists the questions asked within the Coercive Control module, and for which years. Clicking on the year printed after every question will bring you to the results for that year. Publications and further information on Coercive Control can be found on the Gender-based Violence Resources page.


CC1A: Is John's behaviour towards Angela commonplace within relationships? 2020

CC1B: Would Angela feel frightened of John's behaviour? 2020

CC1C: Is John likely to physically harm Angela in the future? 2020

CC1D: Will John's behaviour impact on Angela's mental health in a negative way? 2020

CC1E: Should Angela tell her friends and family about John's behaviour? 2020

CC1F: Would Angela's friends and family consider John's behaviour towards Angela to be domestic abuse? 2020

CC1G: Should Angela report John to the police? 2020

CC1H: Would the police view John's behaviour as criminal? 2020

CC1I: Is John's behaviour domestic abuse? 2020

CC1J: Should John's behaviour be a crime? 2020

CC2A: Is John's behaviour towards Angela commonplace within relationships? 2020

CC2B: Would Angela feel frightened of John's behaviour? 2020

CC2C: Is John likely to physically harm Angela in the future? 2020

CC2D: Will John's behaviour impact on Angela's mental health in a negative way? 2020

CC2E: Should Angela tell her friends and family about John's behaviour? 2020

CC2F: Would Angela's friends and family consider John's behaviour towards Angela to be domestic abuse? 2020

CC2G: Should Angela report John to the police? 2020

CC2H: Would the police view John's behaviour as criminal? 2020

CC2I: Is John's behaviour domestic abuse? 2020

CC2J: Should John's behaviour be a crime?2020

CC3A: Is Angela's behaviour towards John commonplace within relationships?2020

CC3B: Would John feel frightened of Angela's behaviour? 2020

CC3C: Is Angela likely to physically harm John in the future? 2020

CC3D: Will Angela's behaviour impact on John's mental health in a negative way? 2020

CC3E: Should John tell his friends and family about Angela's behaviour? 2020

CC3F: Would John's friends and family consider Angela's behaviour towards John to be domestic abuse? 2020

CC3G: Should John report Angela to the police? 2020

CC3H: Would the police viewAngela's behaviour as criminal? 2020

CC3I: Is Angela's behaviour domestic abuse? 2020

CC3J: Should Angela's behaviour be a crime? 2020

CC4A: Is Jane's behaviour towards Rob commonplace within relationships? 2020

CC4B: Would Rob feel frightened of Jane's behaviour? 2020

CC4C: Is Jane likely to physically harm Rob in the future? 2020

CC4D: Will Jane's behaviour impact on Rob's mental health in a negative way? 2020

CC4E: Should Rob tell his friends and family about Jane's behaviour? 2020

CC4F: Would Rob's friends and family consider Jane's behaviour towards Rob to be domestic abuse? 2020

CC4G: Should Rob report Jane to the police? 2020

CC4H: Would the police view Jane's behaviour as criminal? 2020

CC4I: Is Jane's behaviour domestic abuse? 2020

CC4J: Should Jane's behaviour be a crime? 2020

HEARDCC: Have you heard of the term coercive control? 2020

Maintained by Paula Devine

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