Module: Informal Carers

This page lists the questions asked within the Informal Carers module, and for which years. Clicking on the year printed after every question will bring you to the results for that year. Publications and further information on Informal Carers can be found on the Informal Carers page.

CAREHOME: Is there anyone living with you whom you look after? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

NUMHOME: How many people living with you do you look after or help? 2006 2010 2015

CARESEP: Do you provide regular service/help for someone not living with you? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

NUMSEP: How many people not living with you do you look after or help? 2006 2010 2015

CAREWHO: Who do you provide care for? 2004 2006 2010 2015

CARESEX: Gender of person that respondent cares for. 2004 2006 2010 2015

CAREAGE: Age of person that respondent cares for. 2004 2006 2010 2015

CARELIVE: Do you live with the person you provide care for? 2004 2006 2010 2015

CAREOAGE: Do you provide care to someone due to old age or frailty? 2004 2006 2010 2015

CAREPDIS:Do you provide care to someone with a physical disability? 2004 2006 2010 2015

CAREPILL: Do you provide care to someone with a physical illness? 2004 2006 2010 2015

CARELDIS: Do you provide care to someone with a learning disability? 2004 2006 2010 2015

CAREMILL: Do you provide care to someone with a mental illness? 2004 2006 2010 2015

CAREDEM: Do you provide care to someone with dementia? 2010 2015

CAREHOUR: How many hours per day do you provide care? 2004 2006 2010

CAREHOUR2: How many hours per day do you provide care? 2015

CAREDAYS:On how many days per week do you provide care? 2004 2006 2010 2015

DOCARE1: Do you help with personal care to the person you provide care for? 2004 2006 2010 2015

DOCARE2: Do you give physical help to the person you provide care for? 2004 2006 2010 2015

DOCARE3: Do you give help up/down staires to the person you provide care for? 2004 2006 2010 2015

DOCARE4: Do you give help with paperwork to the person you provide care for? 2004 2006 2010 2015

DOCARE5: Do you give practical help to the person you provide care for? 2004 2006 2010 2015

DOCARE6: Do you give other practical help to the person you provide care for? 2004 2006 2010 2015

DOCARE7: Do you give companionship to the person you provide care for? 2004 2006 2010 2015

DOCARE8: Do you take out the person you provide care for? 2004 2006 2010 2015

DOCARE9: Do you give medicine to the person you provide care for? 2004 2006 2010 2015

DOCARE10: Do you give supervision to the person you provide care for? 2004 2006 2010 2015

DOCARE14: Do you take the person you provide care for to appointments? 2015

MAINHELP: Which one of these things takes up most of the time you spend caring? 2006 2010 2015

HELPMON: How long have you been caring for or helping? 2006 2010 2015

DEPVISI1: Does (name) receive regular visits from a doctor? 2006

DEPVISI2: Does (name) receive regular visits from a community or district nurse? 2006

DEPVISI3: Does (name) receive regular visits from a health visitor? 2006

DEPVISI4: Does (name) receive regular visits from a social worker? 2006

DEPVISI5: Does (name) receive regular visits from home helps? 2006

DEPVISI6: Does (name) receive regular visits from Meals on Wheels? 2006

DEPVISI7: Does (name) receive regular visits from a voluntary worker? 2006

DEPVISI8: Does (name) receive regular visits from another visitor or service? 2006

DEPVISI9: Does (name) receive not regular visits from anyone? 2006

RELHELP1: Does a relative help look after (name)? 2006

RELHELP2: Does a friend help look after (name)? 2006

RELHELP3: Does a neighbour help look after (name)? 2006

RELHELP4: Does a paid helper help look after (name)? 2006

RELHELP5: Does anyone else help look after (name)? 2006

RELHELP6: Does nobody else help look after (name)? 2006

DEPREL: Do people who need care get most of their help from relatives? 2006

FORGRANT: Are carers too often taken for granted by the authorities? 2006

CARDUTY: Is looking after family members a duty and carers should not be paid by the authorities? 2006

RELWILL: Are relatives less willing than they used to be to look after other family members? 2006

CARBENEF: Should all carers be entitled to a state benefit which recognises their work? 2006

GOVCARE: Does the government provide most of the help for people needing care? 2006

WOMCARE2: Should women be prepared to give up their jobs to care for family members? 2006

MENCARE2: Should men be prepared to give up their jobs to care for family members? 2006

ELDCARE: Who should provide the bulk of the care for elderly people? 2006

OWNPROV: Should it be everyone's responsibility to make their own provision so that they can pay for their own care when they are old? 2006

NOTPAY: Should people who have paid tax all their lives be expected to pay for any care they may need when they are old? 2006

MKRELCAR: Should relatives be made to care for close family members who need help?

ELDSELL: Should elderly people sell their own home to meet the cost of living in an old person's home? 2006

CAREPRES: How often do you feel under pressure because of your caring responsibilities? 2010 2015

CAREHAPP: How often does your caring role make you feel happy that you are able to help someone? 2010 2015

CARERSNT: How often do you feel resentment because of your caring responsibilities? 2010 2015

CAREBACK: How often do you feel a sense that you are giving something back? 2010 2015

CARETIRE: Do you feel under pressure because you are tired? 2015

CAREEMO: Do you feel the emotional pressures? 2015

CAREFIN: Do you feel the financial pressures? 2015

CARENOLF: Do you feel that you have no life of your own? 2015

CAREOTH: Do you feel under pressure in some other way? 2015

CARPDWRK: Do your caring responsibilities prevent you from doing paid work? 2015

A module of questions on social care for older people was included in 2010 and 2015


Maintained by Paula Devine

Disclaimer:© ARK 2003 Last Updated on Tuesday, 13-Aug-2019 13:34