Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 2018

Module: Criminal Justice

This page lists the questions asked within the Criminal Justice Issues module in 2018. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question. Publications and further information on Criminal Justice can be found on the Crime and Criminal Justice Resources page.

KNOWCJS: How much do you know about the work of the Northern Ireland criminal justice system in general?

HEARDPPS: Had you heard of the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland, 'the PPS'?

PPSEFF: How confident are you that the Public Prosecution Service is effective at prosecuting people accused of committing a crime?

PPSFAIR: How confident are you that the Public Prosecution Service provides a fair and impartial prosecution service?

PPSINDP: How confident are you that the Public Prosecution Service takes its prosecution decisions independently?

HEARDPO: Have you heard of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland?

POPOLICE: Do you think the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland is part of the police or independent of the police?

POIMPART: How confident are you that the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland deals with complaints against the police in an impartial way?

POFAIR: If you were to make a complaint against a police officer to the Police Ombudsman, do you think that you would be treated fairly?

POGOODJB: Do you think that the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland will help ensure that the police do a good job?

KNOWNIPB: How much do you know about the Northern Ireland Policing Board?

PSNIVIS: How important to you think it is that the PSNI are always visible?

LOCALPOL: How important to you think it is that the local community feels a sense of ownership over local policing

Other relevant questions were included in the Community Safety and Perceptions of Paramilitary Influence module.

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