Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 2009

Module: Community/Good Relations

This page lists the questionlists the questions asked within the Community/Good Relations module in 2009. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question. Publications and further information on Community/Good Relations can be found on the Community Relations Resources page.

RLRELAGO: Are relations between Protestants and Catholics better now than 5 years ago?

RLRELFUT: Will relations between Protestants and Catholics be better in 5 years time?

MXRLGNGH: Would you prefer to live in a neighbourhood with people of only your own religion?

MXRLGWRK: Would you prefer a workplace with people of only your own religion?

OWNMXSCH: Would you prefer a school with children of only your own religion?

NINATID: Do you think of yourself as British/Irish/Ulster/Northern Irish?

IMPID: How important it is to you that you are British/Irish/etc?

OMARRRLG: Would most people mind if a close relative were to marry someone of a different religion?

SMARRRLG: Would you mind if a close relative were to marry someone of a different religion?

REPMURAL: Have you felt intimidated by republican murals, kerb paintings, or flags?

REPMUR2: Have you felt annoyed by republican murals, kerb paintings, or flags?

MORRFLAG: Are there more republican murals and flags on display these days?

LOYMURAL: Have you felt intimidated by loyalist murals, kerb paintings, or flags?

LOYMUR2: Have you felt annoyed by loyalist murals, kerb paintings, or flags?

MORLFLAG: Are there more loyalist murals and flags on display these days?

FLAGLAMP: Do you support flag flying on lampposts in your own neighbourhood?

AVOIDPWK: Would you avoid workplaces situated in a mainly Protestant area?

AVOIDCWK: Would you avoid workplaces situated in a mainly Catholic area?

ISWKNEUT: Is your workplace a 'neutral space'?

ISNGNEUT: Is your neighbourhood a ‘neutral space’?

ISSPNEUT: Are the shops where you do your main shopping a neutral space?

ISLSNEUT: Are your local shops a neutral space?

WORKCULT: Do you feel you can be open about your own cultural identity in your workplace?

NGHCULT: Do you feel you can be open about your own cultural identity in your neighbourhood?

SCHLCULT: Do you feel you can be open about your own cultural identity in your workplace?

SRELFRND: How many of your friends are the same religion as you?

SRELREL: How many of your relatives are the same religion as you?

SRELNGH: How many of your neighbours are the same religion as you?

FEELCATH: How favourable do you feel about people from the Catholic community?

FEELPROT: How favourable do you feel about people from the Protestant community?

CATHCULT: How much do you understand about the Catholic community’s culture and traditions?

PROTCULT: How much do you understand about the Protestant community’s culture and traditions?

RESPCATH: How much respect do you have for the Catholic community’s culture and traditions?

RESPPROT: How much respect do you have for the Protestant community’s culture and traditions?

TARGET1A: Idea achieved: N Ireland is a normal civic society in which all individuals are equal, where differences are resolved though dialogue and where all people are treated impartially.

TARGET2A: Idea achieved: N Ireland is a place free from displays of sectarian aggression.

TARGET3A: Idea achieved: Towns and city centres in N Ireland are safe and welcoming places for people of all walks of life.

TARGET4A: Idea achieved: Schools in Northern Ireland are effective at preparing pupils for life in a diverse society.

TARGET5A: Idea achieved: Schools in N Ireland are effective at encouraging understanding of the complexity of our history.

TARGET6A: Idea achieved: The government is actively encouraging integrated schools.

TARGET7A: Idea achieved: The government is actively encouraging schools of different religions to mix with each other by sharing facilities.

TARGET8A: Idea achieved: The government is actively encouraging shared communities where people of all backgrounds can live, work, learn and play together.

EQNOW1-EQNOW10: Are specified groups generally treated unfairly? Catholics, Protestants, Gays/lesbians/bi-sexuals, Disabled, Elderly, Travellers, Other ethnic minorities, Women, Men, Children.

PROTRCMX: Will mixing bring better relations between Protestants and Catholics?

MIXDPRIM: Are you in favour of more mixing in primary schools?

MIXDGRAM: Are you in favour of more mixing in secondary and grammar schools?

MIXDLIV: Are you in favour of more mixing where people live?

MIXDWORK: Are you in favour of more mixing where people work?

MIXDLEIS: Are you in favour of more mixing in people's leisure or sports activities?

MIXDMARR: Are you in favour of more mixing in people's marriages?

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