Year: 2003

I would now like your views on the part schools should play in providing sex education to children and young people. Which of these statements best describes your views on this issue?



Sex education should only be taught by parents9
Certain topics should be taught by schools but most sex education should come from the parents 14
Sex education should be shared equally between parents and teachers 52
Schools should teach most sex education topics but certain issues should be taught by parents 15
All sex education should be dealt with by schools5
(Don't know) 4


Go to results for men and women, people of different ages and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women



  Male Female
Sex education should only be taught by parents 9 9
Certain topics should be taught by schools but most sex education should come from the parents 13 15
Sex education should be shared equally between parents and teachers 49 55
Schools should teach most sex education topics but certain issues should be taught by parents 17 14
All sex education should be dealt with by schools 6 5
(Don't know) 7 3



Results for people of different ages



  18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
Sex education should only be taught by parents 2 7 8 4 12 18
Certain topics should be taught by schools but most sex education should come from the parents 11 9 14 16 17 16
Sex education should be shared equally between parents and teachers 47 57 57 56 52 44
Schools should teach most sex education topics but certain issues should be taught by parents 25 15 16 20 8 9
All sex education should be dealt with by schools 9 8 5 3 6 4
(Don't know) 7 4 2 1 5 9



Results for people of different religions



  Catholic Protestant No religion
Sex education should only be taught by parents 8 10 3
Certain topics should be taught by schools but most sex education should come from the parents 14 14 17
Sex education should be shared equally between parents and teachers 57 49 54
Schools should teach most sex education topics but certain issues should be taught by parents 11 18 17
All sex education should be dealt with by schools 5 5 8
(Don't know) 4 5 1


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