Year: 2003
Module: Education
Variable: SEXED1 - SEXED15

In your view, what topics should sex education classes in school cover? Please read out the letter beside the topics you think should be covered.

This table shows the percentage of respondents identifying each topic.



The physical changes associated with growing up 75
The biological facts of life 76
Pregnancy and childbirth 71
Menstruation 61
Abortion 58
Contraception 71
HIV and AIDS 72
Other sexually transmitted diseases 71
Sexual feelings and relationships 56
Homosexuality/Lesbianism 53
Emotions and relationships 58
Religious and moral values associated with sexuality 60
Marrige and family life 62
Childcare 58
Menopause 49


Go to results for men and women, people of different ages and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women



  Male Female
The physical changes associated with growing up 71 79
The biological facts of life 72 79
Pregnancy and childbirth 69 73
Menstruation 59 63
Abortion 57 58
Contraception 69 73
HIV and AIDS 71 73
Other sexually transmitted diseases 68 73
Sexual feelings and relationships 56 56
Homosexuality/Lesbianism 52 54
Emotions and relationships 55 60
Religious and moral values associated with sexuality 60 60
Marrige and family life 61 63
Childcare 56 60
Menopause 50 47



Results for people of different ages



  18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
The physical changes associated with growing up 76 77 84 79 71 63
The biological facts of life 73 77 82 80 76 61
Pregnancy and childbirth 77 76 79 77 65 51
Menstruation 66 61 71 66 58 41
Abortion 63 59 64 62 56 40
Contraception 79 76 79 76 67 49
HIV and AIDS 76 76 76 77 70 55
Other sexually transmitted diseases 74 73 75 78 67 58
Sexual feelings and relationships 56 58 64 59 53 41
Homosexuality/Lesbianism 55 56 59 60 49 36
Emotions and relationships 54 57 66 63 57 43
Religious and moral values associated with sexuality 58 58 64 65 61 52
Marrige and family life 56 57 66 68 66 54
Childcare 61 59 66 62 55 45
Menopause 53 50 55 52 44 36



Results for people of different religions



  Catholic Protestant No religion
The physical changes associated with growing up 76 73 87
The biological facts of life 77 73 85
Pregnancy and childbirth 71 68 89
Menstruation 60 60 76
Abortion 59 54 71
Contraception 71 69 88
HIV and AIDS 73 70 81
Other sexually transmitted diseases 72 67 83
Sexual feelings and relationships 59 52 68
Homosexuality/Lesbianism 55 49 65
Emotions and relationships 60 54 70
Religious and moral values associated with sexuality 65 56 64
Marrige and family life 64 42 71
Childcare 60 55 73
Menopause 49 46 62


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