Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 2002

Module: Women in Politics

This page lists the questions asked within the Women in Politics module in 2002. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question. Publications and further information on Women in Politics can be found on the Women in Politics Resources page.

This module was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (Award R000223989)

MOREWOM: Would things improve if there were more women in politics?

WOMGOVT: Proportion of senior government posts that should be held by women.

WOMPARL: Should be more women elected to an Assembly or Parliament?

WOMCOUNC: Should be more women elected to local councils?

CONFIDMP: Would you have more confidence in a man or a woman to represent your interests in Parliament?

NUMWMLA: How many female MLAs electected in 1998?

MCHAR1-MCHAR19: Characteristics of a male politician.

FMCAHR1-FCHAR19: Characteristics of a female politician.

WHYNOWOM: Why are there not more women in Northern Ireland politics?

FEWWOM1: Few women in politics due to discrimination against women in public life?

FEWWOM2: Few women in politics due to women not coming forward as candidates?

FEWWOM3: Few women in politics due to women candidates losing votes?

FEWWOM4: Few women in politics due to political parties not giving women opportunities?

FEWWOM5: Few women in politics due to women putting their families above a political career?

FEWWOM6: Few women in politics due to women not having the conifidence for politics?

FEWWOM7: Few women in politics due to women not having the right experience?

FEWWOM8: Few women in politics due to women not being interested in politics?

FEWWOM9: Few women in politics due to politics not being welcoming to women?

FEWWOM10: Few women in politics due to unsocial hours suiting men rather than women?

POLPARTW: Should political parties do something about the small number of women candidates?

PPRES: Should political parties put more resources towards campaigns of women candidates?

PPOPP: Should political parties make sure women have opportunity to go for senior positions?

PPTREAT: Should women candidates get special treatment by parties?

PARTYWOM: Which party in Northern Ireland best represents the interests of women?

WOMFORWD: Apart from Women’s Coalition, which party is most likely to put forward women candidates?

NAMEWOM: Can you name any women MLA or MP?

WOMPOLAD: Is there any N Ireland woman politician that you particularly admire?

WHOPOLAD: Which N Ireland woman politician do you admire?

PCHAR1 - PCHAR19: Characteristics you would like a politician to have.

CONSAPPT: Have you ever considered running for election or applied for a public appointment?

IMPRVPOL: Has more women in N Ireland politics since 1998 made things better?

WOMMPS: Do women MPs better represent women's interests than do male MPs?

MENPOL: Are most men better suited for politics than are most women?

WPOLPROB: Do women need to get more involved in politics to solve problems that concern them?

MEDIAWOM: Does the media pay less attention to the campaigns of women candidates?

WOMMOVNI: Has the women's movement has been important in improving women's situation in N Ireland?

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