
CCKNOW: How much do you know about climate change?

CCHEAR: Where/how have you heard about climate change?

CCENUF: Do you think you learn enough about climate change in school?

CCIMP: How important is the issue of climate change to YOU?

CCAFFU: Do you think that climate change is something that affects YOU in your day to day life?

CCWEAT: Do you think the weather is changing because of climate change?

CCRESP: Who do you think should have the MAIN responsibility for tackling climate change?

CCSTOP: How much do you agree or disagree: We can all do our bit to stop climate change getting worse?

CCLATE: How much do you agree or disagree: It is already too late to do anything about climate change?

CCUNCERT: How much do you agree or disagree: I am uncertain whether or not climate change is really happening?

CCNODIFF: How much do you agree or disagree: Nothing I do makes any difference to climate change one way or the other?

CCDEALT: How much do you agree or disagree: Overall, I think climate change can be dealt with?

CCNOELSE: How much do you agree or disagree: One of the main reasons people don't do anything to tackle climate change is because they think no one else is doing anything about it?

CCGOVT: How much do you agree or disagree: The government is not doing enough to tackle climate change?

CCFRIGHT: How much do you agree or disagree: Climate change is something that frightens me?

CCGOOD: How much do you agree or disagree: Climate change could be a positive (good) thing?

CCCHILYP: How much do you agree or disagree: Children and young people are prepared to do more than adults to tackle climate change?

CCGRETA: Have you heard of Greta Thunberg?

CCDEMOCH: Have you heard about children and young people walking out of school to demonstrate about climate change?

CCDEMOGD: Do you think it is a good idea that children and young people walk out of school to demonstrate about climate change?

CCAERO: Do you think going on fewer journeys by aeroplane could help stop climate change getting worse?

CCWALK: Do you think walking or cycling more often and travelling less by car could help stop climate change getting worse?

CCPUBT: Do you think using public transport (bus or train) more often could help stop climate change getting worse?

CCLIGHT: Do you think turning off lights when they are not being used could help stop climate change getting worse?

CCCOMP: Do you think playing computer games less often could help stop climate change getting worse?

CCRECYC: Do you think recycling paper, glass, food etc. could help stop climate change getting worse?

CCMEAT: Do you think eating no meat or less meat could help stop climate change getting worse?

CCCAMP: Do you think that taking part in a campaign about an environmental issue could help stop climate change getting worse?

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