2017 Kids' Life and Times (KLT)

The 2017 KLT survey was carried out from November 2017 to January 2018, and 4,505 P7-age children participated.

Clicking on a module title below will bring you to a list of all the questions asked on that topic in 2017. You can link to tables and charts of results for each question.

Health Kidscreen

View the comic - What Kids Think (Issue 10) - which contains key findings from the 2017 Kids' Life and Times survey. (Please note that this file is very large - 10 MB)


All work that uses or refers to the 2017 Kids' Life and Times Survey should acknowledge it using the following bibliographic citation:
ARK. Kids' Life and Times Survey, 2017 [computer file]. ARK www.ark.ac.uk/klt [distributor], June 2018


Disclaimer:© ARK 2018 Last Updated on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 17:55