Year: 2015

SPTIMES: How many times during a normal week would you spend at least 60 minutes a day playing sport or doing some physical activity?

SPENJPE: How much do you enjoy doing PE in school?

SPENJORG: How much do you enjoy sport outside school?

SPENJOUT: How much do you enjoy doing outdoor adventure activities?

SPFIT: Some people take part in sports or physical activity to be fit and healthy, how important is this to you?

SPSKILLS: Some people take part in sports or physical activity to gain new skills, how important is this to you?

SPFUN: Some people take part in sports or physical activity to have fun and meet new friends, how important is this to you?

SPCOMP: Some people take part in sports or physical activity to compete with others, how important is this to you?

SPIDOL: Do you have any sports idols?

SPTUIT: Have you ever received any tuition or coaching other than in PE lessons?

SPPHLTH: How much do you think sport or physical activity help to improve your physical health?

SPMHLTH: How much do you think sport or physical activity help to improve your mental and emotional health?

SPBODY: What do you think about your body size?

SPORTDO1: In a normal week would you walk or cycle to school?

SPORTDO2: In a normal week would you do PE in school?

SPORTDO3: In a normal week would you take part in sports a sports club, organised activities in a gym or outdoor activities outside school?

SPORTDO4: In a normal week I do not do any of these things.

SPPREV1: What prevents you from taking part in sport? Not enough time.

SPPREV2: What prevents you from taking part in sport? Poor health or a disability.

SPPREV3: What prevents you from taking part in sport? I do not have anyone to go with.

SPPREV4: What prevents you from taking part in sport? I do not know where I can do the activities I want to do.

SPPREV5: What prevents you from taking part in sport? Nothing stops or prevents me.

SPENCG1: Has your family ever encouraged or inspired you to take parts in sports?

SPENCG2: Has a teacher ever encouraged or inspired you to take parts in sports?

SPENCG3: Have your friends ever encouraged or inspired you to take parts in sports?

SPENCG4: Has a famour person ever encouraged or inspired you to take parts in sports?

SPENCG5: No-one has ever encouraged or inspired me to take parts in sports.

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