Year: 2013

KY10PHYS: In general, how would you say your health is?

KY10IN01: Have you felt fit and well?

KY10IN02: Have you felt full of energy?

KY10IN03: Have you felt sad?

KY10IN04: Have you felt lonely?

KY10IN05: Have you had enough time for yourself?

KY10IN06: Have you been able to do the things that you want to do in your free time?

KY10IN07: Have your parent(s) or guardian(s) treated you fairly?

KY10IN08: Have you had fun with your friends?

KY10IN09: Have you got on well at school?

KY10IN10: Have you been able to pay attention?

KYFINAN: Do you have enough money to do the same things as your friends?

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