Year: 2010
Transfer Test

TRANSFER: Did you do any of the transfer tests last year?

TRANSNOT: Why did you not do the transfer tests?

TRANSDO: Why did you do the transfer tests?

TESTPRES: Did you feel under pressure because of the tests?

TESTWORR: When did you feel most worried?

PRACPAPS: Did you do any practice papers at home or at school to help you prepare for the tests?

PRACPAPN: About how many practice papers do you think you did?

TESTTUT: Did you have a tutor at any time to help you prepare for the tests?

TESTPREP: When the time came to do the tests did you feel that you were well prepared?

TESTTYPE: Which type of transfer tests did you do?

GRADEAQE: What result did you get on the Common Entrance Assessment?

GRADFAQE: Were you pleased with this AQE result or disappointed?

GRSADAQE: Were you just a bit disappointed or did it make you really sad?

GRADEGL: What result did you get on the multiple choice GL tests?

GRADFGL: Were you pleased with this GL result or disappointed?

GRSADGL: Were you just a bit disappointed or did it make you really sad?

TESTOPT: What do YOU think should happen to the transfer tests?

KIDSCHL: If you were the Principal of a secondary school, which children would you let in?


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