University Rd,

Photograph of Jonny Hanson

Jonny is Assistant Survey Manager, working across ARK's three attitudinal surveys. He is a scholar-practitioner with considerable experience of quantitative and qualitative interdisciplinary attitudinal research, especially in relation to the agri-food, conservation and tourism sectors. He is particularly interested in the social aspects of conservation and agriculture, and how these relate to other social processes.

Photograph of Minchen Liu

Min-Chen Liu is a Research Fellow in the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work, Queen’s University Belfast. She previously held a Research Fellow position at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queen’s University Belfast. Min-Chen’s research interests are minority group education, modern foreign languages, and digital education.

Elizabeth Martin

Elizabeth Martin became a member of the ARK Ageing Team in 2014 when she was awarded additional funding to support her in completion of her PhD.  She is now a lecturer and Social Policy Programme Director in the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work, Queen's University Belfast.

Her research interests are mainly around giving a voice to marginalised populations.  Her PhD was on older women and domestic abuse, and her MA on people who were disabled as a result of the Conflict in Northern Ireland.

Photograph of Dirk Schubotz

Professor Dirk Schubotz has been with ARK since January 2003. He is a Professor in Social Policy, based at the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work at Queen's University Belfast.

Dirk's main responsibility in ARK is to look after Young Life and Times and ARK in Schools , but he has also been involved in the creation of ARK's qualitative archive on ageism ( and in the design and delivery of research methods training activities specifically designed to support voluntary sector organisations.

Dirk's main research interests lie in the development and application of participatory research methods - in particular work with peer researchers; in biographical methods; sexual health; community relations; as well as more generically in young people.

Dirk's PhD thesis focused on the professional biographies of teachers involved in the small planned integrated school sector in Northern Ireland.

ARK logo

Martina McKnight is the Survey manager within ARK and is primarily involved with the Young Life and Times and Kids' Life and Times surveys.

Her research interests include gender, young people, conflict and transition in Northern Ireland and qualitative methods.

Photograph of Katrina Lloyd

Katrina Lloyd is Director of the Kids' Life and Times survey.

Her main research interests are in quantitative methods, monitoring children's opinions on issues that are important to them, children's health-related quality of life and the mental health of children and young people.

She has extensive experience in analysing large-scale and complex datasets and teaching quantitative research methods at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She has edited two books and has written a number of reports, book chapters and journal articles

Gemma Carney

Dr. Gemma Carney joined the ARK Ageing team in January 2014, and is a Reader in Social Policy and Ageing in the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work, Queen's University Belfast (QUB).

Gemma trained as a political scientist, specialising in gender equality policy (TCD, 2004). A stint as Policy Analyst at the Irish Senior Citizens Parliament in 2007 introduced her to social policy for older people, and she has never looked back.

She teaches ageing at undergraduate and postgraduate level and is Disciplinary Lead for Social Policy at QUB. Her work has been published in Age, Culture, Humanities, Journal of Aging Studies, Gender and Society, European Journal of Ageing, Journal of Women & Aging, and Ageing & Society, of which she is a member of the editorial board.

Photograph of Paula Devine

Paula Devine is Co-Director of ARK, and is Director of the Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey.  She also coordinates of the ARK Ageing Programme, which supports engagement between the age, policy and academic sectors. 

Paula's PhD focused on the measurement of mental health and masulinity.  Her research interests focus on quantitative research methods; measuring social attitudes; dissemination of social research; men's health; masculinity and gender.