ARK in Schools

ARK in Schools provides Northern Ireland-specific educational materials for schools and organisations working with young people aged 14 years or over, and for young people themselves.
This series of tutorials mainly uses research-based evidence collected by ARK, as well as other local, national and international sources of information and debate. Many of the activities are delivered through discussion, debates and small group work, which are designed to support the development of communication skills of young people. The modules build on information and data that are freely available online within the different constituent parts of ARK. The modules can either be used to complement other teaching resources or can stand alone.
Please note that we are currently updating all these tutorials, so please check back soon.
- Ageing (February 2016)
- Democracy and Active Participation
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Emotional Wellbeing
- Focus on the Environment
- Gender and Family Roles
- Human Rights and Social Responsibility
- Personal Wellbeing (May 2020)
- Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE)
Also available:
- Group work exercises (used in the Voices Behind the Statistics project)
- Information and resources relating to event in November 2012 focusing on Relationship and Sexuality Education.