ARK Teaching and Learning Resources

The ARK site is an invaluable and essential resource for students looking for social and political information on Northern Ireland. ARK is also invaluable for teachers and youthworkers working in formal and informal education.
We have developed a series of teaching resources aimed at young people aged 14 years and above at school and in youth settings, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate third-level students.
- ARK and CAIN Resource for Schools: This booklet provides a general introduction to navigating ARK and CAIN, as well as a discussion on dealing with controversial issues in the classroom.
- ARK teaching datasets: These teaching datasets are based on ARK's suite of attitudinal surveys, and provide real life data in SPSS format for third-level students to explore.
- ARK in Schools tutorials: These are Northern Ireland-specific educational materials for schools and organisations working with young people aged 14 years or over, and for young people themselves.
- ARK publications: ARK produces a range of publications exploring social policy and politics in Northern Ireland.
- ARK seminars: Our seminars and other events are available on video.
- Conflict Archive on the Internet (CAIN) resources for schools: CAIN provides a wealth of information relating to the conflict in Northern Ireland.
- National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM): ARK works with NCRM to provide social science research methods training in Northern Ireland. These courses are suitable for postgraduate students and researchers.
If you have any queries, please contact Paula Devine.