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NOTE: The 2022 YLT survey was undertaken in two versions. Not all respondents were asked all questions. The question on religious identity was only included in Version 1. As such, a breakdown of results by religious identity is only provided where this is possible and only includes respondents from survey Version 1. See our technical notes for more information.

Year: 2022
Module: Politics
Variable: POLPRIOA

Politics is about how power is used. From the list below, what do you think are the most important issues that politicians in Northern Ireland should prioritise? [Multiple Response Table]

Healthcare, including mental health 83
Economic growth and tackling poverty 77
Equality and human rights, including tackling racism and sectarianism 76
Environment and climate change 63
Women's rights and LGBTQ+ rights 58
Northern Ireland's constitutional status i.e. whether it should stay in the UK or unite with Ireland 34
Other 4


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
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Results for men and women

  Male Female
Healthcare, including mental health 75 88

Economic growth and tackling poverty

79 75
Equality and human rights, including tackling racism and sectarianism 67 83
Environment and climate change 62 64
Women's rights and LGBTQ+ rights 37 72
Northern Ireland's constitutional status i.e. whether is should stay in the UK or unite with Ireland 37 33
Other 7 3



Results for people of different religions not available.



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