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NOTE: The 2022 YLT survey was undertaken in two versions. Not all respondents were asked all questions. The question on religious identity was only included in Version 1. As such, a breakdown of results by religious identity is only provided where this is possible and only includes respondents from survey Version 1. See our technical notes for more information.

Year: 2022
Module: Education
Variable: CREDSCHOOLa-j

Includes respondents who did CRED in school: Version 2 only. [Multiple Response Table]

Do you think your school has encouraged understanding and promoted equal treatment for the following groups through these activities?

People with different political opinions 61
People with different religious beliefs 76
People from different ethnic groups 75
People of different ages (older and younger people/children
People who are single, cohabiting, married or divorced
People with different sexual orientations 57
Men and women 67
People with a disability and those without a disability 67
People with dependants (e.g. children) and those without 41
People with caring reponsibilities and those without caring responsibilities 46


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women

People with different political opinions 65 59
People with different religious beliefs 77 77
People from different ethnic groups 76 76
People of different ages (older and younger people/children) 56 58
People who are single, cohabiting, married or divorced 52 58
People with diffferent sexual orientations 61 57
Men and women 70 65
People with a disability and those without a disability 66 69
People with dependants (e.g children) and those without 42 41
People with caring responsibilities and those without caring responsibilities 48 45



Results for people of different religions not available.



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Disclaimer:©ARK 2022 Last Updated on Tuesday, 29-Aug-2023 13:31